Flower becomes RoseIn the game the first person says a word and the next person has to post a word that starts with the last letter of the previous word. For example, if the first person said the word "fish" fish ends in "H" so the next person says a word that starts with the letter "H" after the next person says a word starting with "H", whatever letter their word ended in would be the letter the next person would have to use
Smells of death? IdkHow is shoes related to death?
THE RULES ARE ABOVE.I'm not sure if this game has been on any other forums or on this one before but it's another word game that's pretty fun. In the game the first person says a word and the next person has to post a word that starts with the last letter of the previous word. For example, if the first person said the word "fish" fish ends in "H" so the next person says a word that starts with the letter "H" after the next person says a word starting with "H", whatever letter their word ended in would be the letter the next person would have to use
There is a number of word games on here, sometimes we get confusedTHE RULES ARE ABOVE.
You lot keep screwing this up. The new word has to start with the letter that the last word ended in.
the next word must start with an E