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Fish Fanatic
Jul 11, 2022
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Wyoming USA
So... a bit of background. My dad has a hillstream biotope that was until recently housed in a 30 gallon, but he just upgraded it to a much bigger tank, thus leaving the 30 gallon free. I promptly claimed it. :lol: Haven't set it up or done anything to it yet because I have no ideas for stocking.

My water's pH is around 7.0, KH around 40 ppm, GH around 30 ppm. Dimensions of base are 31" and 12", height of 16".

I'm open to anything relatively easy to care for. I'm particularly intrigued by some of the wild betta species (big fan of labyrinth fish).
Does anybody have any stocking ideas?
Well, there's a wide range of wild betta species that would nice to keep. But there are also more labyrinth species than just bettas which you could keep in a group.
If you like labyrinth fish, maybe try a group of gouramis? I have pearl gouramis, but I think honey gouramis would work better with the tank size.
I have never kept wild betta species, so I don’t have a say there.
So... a bit of background. My dad has a hillstream biotope that was until recently housed in a 30 gallon, but he just upgraded it to a much bigger tank, thus leaving the 30 gallon free. I promptly claimed it. :lol: Haven't set it up or done anything to it yet because I have no ideas for stocking.

I don't have any stocking ideas I'm afraid, just wanted to say I admire your chutzpah in nicking @WhistlingBadger 's empty tank and claiming it for your own! Reminds me of the kind of thing I did with my own dad :lol: He built a row of aviaries once, and I promptly asked if I could have one of them for my own for a pair of grass parakeets, and he changed his plans so I could have one of them, lol.

So good going, littler Badger, and I look forward to seeing what you choose! I'd be tempted by apistos maybe!
So... a bit of background. My dad has a hillstream biotope that was until recently housed in a 30 gallon, but he just upgraded it to a much bigger tank, thus leaving the 30 gallon free. I promptly claimed it. :lol: Haven't set it up or done anything to it yet because I have no ideas for stocking.

My water's pH is around 7.0, KH around 40 ppm, GH around 30 ppm. Dimensions of base are 31" and 12", height of 16".

I'm open to anything relatively easy to care for. I'm particularly intrigued by some of the wild betta species (big fan of labyrinth fish).
Does anybody have any stocking ideas?
The joys of having a parent who also is into the aquarium hobby...
That's awesome
Good going on the tank! Nothing beats a free tank!
As far as stocking with those parameters, I can't help but a little bit biased because these suggestions are fish that I hope to care for one day. Anyway, I think 30 gallons could be a good size for a community tank of sparkling gourami, pygmy cories, and maybe something else. Heavily planted of course. Just my two bit.
But then again, wild bettas also sound awesome!
Would you go with bubble nester or mouth brooders?
Stealing tanks from your Dad. Hmmm.

My daughter is doing just that, and she wants to build a killie biotope. I seem to have had an influence on her.

Wait a minute, you also breed killies! Does that mean she's going to cadge some free fish from you too?? No fair!! Nepotism!
She had that thing scoped out before I even completely decided to tear it down. I still am not sure exactly how "free" it will be...I have ways of making you earn it. mwah ha ha ha
Uh oh....

@TheLavenderBadger You should have stayed quiet until you set it all up 🤣

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