Woohoo! New Set Up


Fish Crazy
Aug 30, 2006
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Hey Hey, Just finished setting a fish tank into chimney breast in a Learning Disability home. (Its behind thick perspexs)

Could do with a hand on the inhabitants.

2ft lightly planted. Sand and pebbles

Lowish maintainance (I work there so it will be maintained)

I wanted colourful fish, very peaceful, hardy. wont outgrow tank.

I managed to scrape £70 for fish and plants which is pretty sweet!

So far I was thinking.

6 Orange and green Lazer Cories
2 Red Dwarf gourami
3 ADFs (i'll be sure not to get ACFs!)
4 Marbled Hatchett Fish

Anyone think of any other colourful middle swimmers that will work with this tank or problems so far?
Hey Hey, Just finished setting a fish tank into chimney breast in a Learning Disability home. (Its behind thick perspexs)

Could do with a hand on the inhabitants.

2ft lightly planted. Sand and pebbles

Lowish maintainance (I work there so it will be maintained)

I wanted colourful fish, very peaceful, hardy. wont outgrow tank.

I managed to scrape £70 for fish and plants which is pretty sweet!

So far I was thinking.

6 Orange and green Lazer Cories
2 Red Dwarf gourami
3 ADFs (i'll be sure not to get ACFs!)
4 Marbled Hatchett Fish

Anyone think of any other colourful middle swimmers that will work with this tank or problems so far?
Personally I'd just up the number of Hatchett Fish (say 6) and call it a day. You're pushing stocking as it is so I wouldn't add another shoal of anything. (assuming it's a standard 2ft tank of about 20USG) What filter have you got?

The 6 Orange and Green lasers is 6 combined not each, yes? I'm not sure they'll school together, you'd have to check with the cory lot, if they wont then it'd be better either/or! Also how big are these? If they're similar in size to the bronze cories you might be better choosing one of the smaller types.

Apparently the Marbled Hatchet fish jump when spooked, maybe these aren't the best option for a 'public' tank. Penguin tetras might be better?

Just my initial thoughts, though I'm fairly noob myself!
Cheers. Your absolutely right about the Hatchets, school boy error, there is occasional shouting in the room they might spook. I just wanted some activity at the top of the tank.

Perhaps a more colourful Tetra than penguin a couple of clients are quite short sighted the tank might look a bit empty to them.
Perhaps a more colourful Tetra than penguin a couple of clients are quite short sighted the tank might look a bit empty to them.
Whichever, I just suggested the penguin ones because they were similar to the hatchets. How about Cardinals? They're smaller too so might be better stocking wise. Avoid neons.
why not simple and cheap tetra? they shoal..most the time you could get quite a few differnt coloured varietys, ive got black and blue neons, was going to get lemon or glowlight in place fo the blacks,

but you would have to loose the hatchet fish deffo and i dont know bout frogs, clawed or not they still might have a go
Whichever, I just suggested the penguin ones because they were similar to the hatchets. How about Cardinals? They're smaller too so might be better stocking wise. Avoid neons.


Why are you suggesting that they get cardinals but avoid the neons? If anything, cardinals are more delicate than neons and it should be them that are avoided. But why would they want to avoid them?

MY suggestion would be to get about 8 rummy nose tetras, they are colorful and are hardy. I would also get about 4-6 cories to go with them and you'd be okay.
Ok, how about?

6 mixed but compatible Tetras
6 " " " Cories
2 Red Dwarf Gouramis
4 Algae Shrimp
3 Ottos
MY suggestion would be to get about 8 rummy nose tetras, they are colorful and are hardy. I would also get about 4-6 cories to go with them and you'd be okay.

Ummm why would you want to get rummy nose? Aren't those notorious for being delicate? From my experience and a few posts they are.
Really? I've heard they're hardy, and good fish for beginners. :blink:
edit:: It appears, after a little research that I was misinformed. Sorry about that, I now wouldn't try rummy noses if I were you, maybe just a few female bettas, then?
Ok just did a bit of reading. I Never really fancied keeping Tetra in my tanks... don't know why. So anyway, bit of a newbie with them.

I just assumed they were really robust cos you see them everywhere.

So it doesn't look like you mix up tetra if you want them to shoal? Am I right?
Correct, tetras generally don't shoal with other types of tetras.
Correct, tetras generally don't shoal with other types of tetras.
Same goes for cories usually. But double check this in the cory forum as I think some forms will at least try to shoal with each other.

The reason why I said Cardinals over Neons is because neons more often get NTD and you can lose a school easily. Though I've never kept either and am just going on what others say so feel free to ignore that bit until someone more knowledgeable comes along to refute/back up!
Cardinals are great, ive just got 6, if you get tetras add them last and wait at least 3 months before adding them preferably longer to make sure the tank is nice and stable, check the ones at the store are all healthy and preferably get some that have been at the store for like 2 weeks. I have a couple of bad experiences with tetras but ive just followed those rules and my new ones are settled in nicely.

I would get 6 of the same type or cories unless you can get different ones that will mix, best to ask in cory forum on that, i have 6 sterbai and thye are lovely but you might be better with something easier like bronze. Ottos again need a fairly mature tank and they need to have been in the store and eating for a couple of weeks if you want them to survive.

Love amano shrimp, they will do nicely in there and help with the algae you might get.

watch of for the dwarf gouramis, they can be aggressive, two isnt the best number, if you got two males they would fight, you could get two females but they would be duller in colour, 1 male and 1 female in a 20 gallon lightly planted you might end up with a dead female as the male would hassle her lots. Honey gouramis are nice little fish, might look into them, although they are alot smaller. If you want dwarf gouramis i would just get one male as a centerpeice fish.

Hope that was some help, feel free to correct me if im wrong with anything or you disagree as im just basing it all on personal experience.
most schools i see have ther tanks filled with tetras flame and neon

dwarf gouries are good and guppies but they tend to over crowd them in most school i feel sorry for thm :eek:
if you want a pair of gouramis, you could get red robin gouramis, really nice and get to about 3in, and best kept in pairs.

just thought i would add to the mix.

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