Wood or rocks

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I have 6 tiger barbs, a pleco and a bolivian ram in my 29 gallon tank but have had as many as 8. 10 is hitting the upper limit in my opinion. The more swimming space the better. They swim mid level so if you put in wood or rocks, keep them in the lower 1/3 of the tank. Sure- a bigger tank would be better but they should be ok in your tank. Just don't add any more fish.
I definitely wouldn’t add any more fish thanks for being reasonable
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is that an internal filter on the right?
I have a round type sponge filter and a penguin 200 for my 29 gallon tank. Your internal filter just looks kinda big. Here is a video of my 29 gallon tiger barb tank.
do you just have an internal filter? or do you also have a HOB filter?
You must understand that I don’t have the life you do where you have complete freedom to have any tank you I don't have that freedom. I want a 150 gallon tank, but I don't have the room or money. Currently, I have a 20 gallon tank and manage it as responsibly as I can, using my 40 years of experience and the advise of others more knowledgeable than me.
I am just trying to make the best of a bad situation
That much is clear and you should know that anyone answering your questions has the same goal.
It’s a 29
That is a good-sized tank, but your Tiger Barbs need the space.
As @Fishmanic says, your tank is full to capacity, especially with that extra Swordtail and, as I said earlier, adding more wood and rocks would not be a good idea, because it would limit the space your Tiger Barbs need for swimming.
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Low lying wood or rocks would not take away swimming space fof the barbs.. They swim mainly toward the middle of the tank as you can see in my video.

Do you have a HOB filter for that tank? If so, what model do you have?

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