Wondering About Hydroponic Aquariums...

Just do an above tank sump....i have one on my 6ft
Alasse that is very interesting... I'd be interested in seeing more of the mechanics of this!
Thats a great set up Alasse, thats getting me going to want to set something up. I have been considering doing something slightly different for semi aquatic plants to add something to my tank but this is something else.
Lovely! Do tell how this is set up and what you are growing and maintenance  :)
HarpyFishLover said:
Just do an above tank sump....i have one on my 6ft
Sorry, haven't been on in a few days. How did you do this?
I had the top tank made to fit on top of the main tank. I did also put 2 this wood boards under it, these run the full length of the tank, there is foam ontop of the board then the sump tank sits on that.

The sump tank is drilled.
Inlet - drilled into the back. Bulkhead added
Outlet - drilled into base. Bulkhead added with a riser and strainer (so the tank can only drain so far when power is lost)
In the main tank is a powerhead, it has a line running upto the inlet bulkhead. This fills the sump, the water then runs the length and drops back into the main tank via the outlet. I added my own baffles to section the sump as i did not want permanent ones, incase i decide later to use the top tank for an actual fish tank. I used lava rock as the media to plant into. The lava rock also doubles as filter media.

Works brilliantly
Now you've got me thinking. Do you reckon I could convert the filter box on my AR620T to take all the filter media out, fill it with lava rock, and grow herbs (basil, parsley etc, maybe some lettuce or spinach)? Of course I'd use most of the current media to ensure I kept as much bacteria as possible, but it would certainly create a talking point...
Gruntle said:
Now you've got me thinking. Do you reckon I could convert the filter box on my AR620T to take all the filter media out, fill it with lava rock, and grow herbs (basil, parsley etc, maybe some lettuce or spinach)? Of course I'd use most of the current media to ensure I kept as much bacteria as possible, but it would certainly create a talking point...
Cant see why you couldnt....i also have a 620T...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
NickAu said:
Oh I love the eel Alasse Are those small fish food ?
Yeah tis pretty cool. Yeah they are feeder fish, i also buy 6 goldies a month just for something of size for the eel to eat, and also yabbies, which she smashes in a day lol
That would work for a single betta, except for its completely open top... bettas are known leapers!
It's getting nearer and nearer to Mothers day. I'm not sure that system will fit anywhere in my house. Also, would guppies or goldfish be suitable for that size tank?
You know, you could get a pretty nice proper fish tank for the price of some of these systems.

Goldfish would be a big no, emphasis on the big. They are not small fish.
I do know I can get a good fish tank AND STAND for the price of some of these, but my mother REALLY wants one, and by that I mean... REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY wants one. I might just gather some money and do it for Christmas for her instead of Mother's day because I'm a little short on money right now. I'm dying for a goldfish, but you're right, they do get very big. I might just go with 6 guppies for it if I DO do that. I think you can get a few more fish than normal for a 5 gallon because of the plants... I don't know. I'll try to do more research. But thanks for the replies!

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