Won fish on Aquabid yay!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Hi Guys :D Well the bug bit again, and this time hard.. :lol: I bid on this pair of male and female halfmoons today on aquabid and won...yay!!! The seller says they will throw in a free fish..I hope its a female since (more good news) I'm getting a 30 gallon tank which I plan on using for my female sorority :kana: The 30 gallon tank was offered to me by a friend of a friend of my bf's that attended a little bbq we had in the backyard yesterday..i was talking about bettas( as usual..lol) and he mentioned he had a spare 30 gallon and that I could have it..I'm so happy...Its incredible to think I started out with one betta, Bruce back in March, then Freddy in July..then Spikey a few weeks ago...the 2 females a week or 2 back, and now I'll be getting 4 bettas this week..the 3 from this current seller..the boy, girl and then surprise betta and then a boy and girl from Synirr (thanks again) :D .. Here is the link to the auction I won :nod: :wub:


:kana: :kana: betta dance..LOL :D
Wow! Those are some damn fine fishes! Congrats on winning the bid ^^
thanks :) ..based on the pic, what tail type would u say they are? I think they were under the half moon section..but now can't remember and the description doesnt mention it..I liked their coloring a lot..the paler bodies and rich darker fins :D Any one here ever deal with this seller? Curious to hear feedback, if any ;)
They are real nice! :) I almost got the 4 males that look alot like that from them instead I got two CT pairs... :) They are really nice people too! :)
They are exactly what the breeder says they are. HM rosetail. :) A rosetail is a HM with excessive branching of the rays in his tail.
They are gorgeous!!! Any plans on breeding them? Those are some beautiful fish!!!
Nice Fish. I :wub: Rosetails. I checked all that sellers auctions a couple of days ago. He says he always gives extras, which is nice. I was going to go for the rosetail boys. If there was more of a variety of color, I would have. (they all had red on them) I even asked if he had other rosetail Females. I think you got the only one :no:

At least they are in the U.S.A. You said, you hope the extra's are female. I would ask. THey may have some, but send males, if you don't ask.
Hi Guys :) I'm very happy :D About the extra fish, I did request a female if at all possible although I'm not sure if thats what I'll recieve :) Take Care Everyone :p
Well I got them yesterday..Yay!! And to my surprise I got 2 extras..so 4 fishies in total..the Rosetail Male and Female and 2 Triband fish-Male and Female :)

Heres the Rosetail Male


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And heres my Rosetail Female :)


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Is it true that lps female bettas are very dull in color? Because I was think of getting a few of them and some corys for my 10 gallon tank.
Here's the Triband Male..I think he has a delta tail? Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong..lol :)


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