Woman Jailed Over Tail Dockings

I think this Forum should practise tolerance and comments like that are really not needed.

unless the poster disagrees with me. the post may have offended you, though it struck a note with some other members.
you go on to say someone from Australia should not make comments of this kind, a very tolerant view :crazy: . the truth is that the only real way to get an overview of a country's standing in the world is to ask outside!

this is obviously not the thread for this conversation, however, it you ask for a tolerant forum, you will face thing like this often. so unless you choose to change the wording of your post, your comment and request smack of intolerance, which oddly is the point i think Bozza was making!
i feel this part of the thread should stop, its way off topic, if anyone wishes, a thread could be started on this subject, leaving this thread to is real job. though i understand some may disagree
I shouldnt really need to remind you that swearing even if replaced by stars is not tolerated on the board.

If it continues then the thread will be closed. Its getting close to that now anyway as its sounding more like a general chat thread that slowly gets out of control.

Just think before you write and if you are mad enough you need to swear then take a chill pill.
i though it was worth posting the true law on tail docking:

Tail Docking

The docking of dogs' tails is banned in England from 6 April 2007, and in Wales from 28 March 2007; but with exemptions from the ban for certain working dogs, and for medical treatment.

There is also a ban on the showing of docked dogs (all dogs docked after the commencement date of 6 April/28 March) at events to which members of the public are admitted on payment of a fee. However, this ban does not apply to dogs shown for the purpose of demonstrating their working ability.

Tail docking was one of the more contentious topics debated by the House of Commons during the Animal Welfare Act's passage through Parliament. The Government's view was that it was right for Parliament to decide on this issue. MPs had a free vote after a debate in the House of Commons and voted for a ban on tail docking with an exemption for working dogs.

The exemption for working dogs allows a dog that is likely to perform certain specified types of work to have its tail docked by a veterinary surgeon. The dog will have to be less than 5 days old or less, and the veterinary surgeon will have to certify that he or she has seen specified evidence that the dog is likely to work in specified areas. The dog will also need to be micro-chipped to identify it. The types of dog that will be allowed to be docked, and the types of evidence needed, is detailed in further regulations. These are available on the Office of Public Sector Information website.

taken from: http://www.defra.gov.uk/animalh/welfare/act/docking.htm.

cant see the bit about chopping a dogs tail off becaues your house aint safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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