Woke Upto Around 500 Eggs From My Albino's Pics Of Hatched Fry

Im not sure i added two more to the trio i had from my other tank but i think it could be from all one female she hasnt giving me any eggs for around 4 weeks, she went from some every 3 days to none at all so maybe she was storing them lol
Hi drewy

Will let you know what comes of them, out of all the eggs i counted just over a 100 that had gone white so not feritilised, but the rest are looking good and no fungus has set in, from past experience it normally takes two days to hatch from been layed, so these were dropped early sunday morning, they should start hatching tomorrow afternoon.

Ill keep you posted

hi stiffler

thats still not bad at all m8 u should still get a good 350-400 then :good:
Yeah, they have started to hatch i just got up and checked on them and their was around 20 hatched in the trap and a couple had fallen through the gaps in the trap to the bottom of the tank what has young juvenile corys in, the juvies seem to be ok and making no attempt to make a snack of them so all is well, as i sat watching i could see more falling down from the wall of the trap so im probably upto around 30 and still lots to hatch its exciting stuff but it also going to be alot of hard work keeping this number alive and kicking, not to mention cleaning the tank thats going to be a mission all on its own.

Thanks for the comment guys will keep this thread running with pics etc
Great job, stiffler69.

Yes, lots of work to keep up. LOL

Can you post your pics another way? My computer blocks them. I am guessing others do too.
Yeah, they have started to hatch i just got up and checked on them and their was around 20 hatched in the trap and a couple had fallen through the gaps in the trap to the bottom of the tank what has young juvenile corys in, the juvies seem to be ok and making no attempt to make a snack of them so all is well, as i sat watching i could see more falling down from the wall of the trap so im probably upto around 30 and still lots to hatch its exciting stuff but it also going to be alot of hard work keeping this number alive and kicking, not to mention cleaning the tank thats going to be a mission all on its own.

Thanks for the comment guys will keep this thread running with pics etc

congrats stiffler :good:

the fun begins now m8
Thanks, ill take pictures in a couple of days once they are devoloped more and not just a spec with a tail lol ill give them a day or two to absorb their yokes its looking like well over a 100 at the moment cant get definate numbers but their is alot.

Pic added look at the little fellas so many of them, ive done a very crude head count and when i say crude i mean extremely crude 180 hatched and i would say that their is more like 200 as their is still some strays that are in the tank with the older ones ive moved them to a clean trap and will start feeding them tomorrow with liquifry really happy with the amount hatched since i had such little success with the last 3 batchs, hope you all like


Pic added look at the little fellas so many of them, ive done a very crude head count and when i say crude i mean extremely crude 180 hatched and i would say that their is more like 200 as their is still some strays that are in the tank with the older ones ive moved them to a clean trap and will start feeding them tomorrow with liquifry really happy with the amount hatched since i had such little success with the last 3 batchs, hope you all like


nice one m8 pleased for yeah :good:
they will soon turn into pound signs swiming around lol
I can see the pics mate :) Nice fish. Im going to start trying to breed Corys soon aswell, hope i have as much sucess as you ^^
Great pic! Congrats again. Post some updates as they grow. I currently have a ton of molly and sword fry and it is so funny how excited a person can get over such small little creations.

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