1cm of water left in one of my 17g tanks and water dripping all over my floor wasnt a nice sight! But... did manage to save my fish though so i guess its alright...
I always stress about this happening....BUT if it did happen and the fish were OK I'd be OK with it....get the carpets cleaned etc....then get a NEW BIGGER tank!!!
Mad huh? Well its the only way I'll be able to get a new tank ATM!!!
I was lucky i have floor boards.. Easy clean! haha Im not sure how it cracked because the crack was right along the bottom.. I had jus cleaned the whole tank and put in new gravel so it might have jus stressed the glass i dunno The fish i got in there are 2 honey gouramis, 2 danios, 5 neons and a oto.... They are all now with my angel fish in the other 17g...
do you have anything under your tank? when I was setting mine up I was told that slight imperfections in the glass had to evened out or there was a risk of the bottom cracking. you can get the spongey mats to go underneath, but I took the cheep option of polystyrene ceiling tiles between the tank and the stand.
Great that your fish are all ok, you must of done a first class rescue job, and all at 3 in the morning!
I agree with Chooklet, excellent reason for a bigger tank
As Izaro said.........did you have anything soft under the tank........and if you did........you might want to check the stand to see if it has warped at all.........