
My wildest was a sudden blizzard while I was driving through cornfields. It was snowing hard, and then suddenly, it was like a snowblower was blowing into the windshield. The snow was coming so hard. I swear, it was like a boat with breakers at the front of my old Toyota. I only knew where the road was by a bus far ahead, and from memory. If I had stopped, it would have been hours trapped. I had to keep momentum.

I got to work on time!
I have to reply, we Wrangler owners welcome the white stuff! We call it ”snow wheeling”… Any Wrangler people? Come on, I know you are out there!
Winter is about to make its return to my little part of the earth. Balmy 50 to 70 degree fall days are soon to make way for the 20's with lows into the single digits Fahrenheit at night. I watched a Mourning Dove pecking at the ice on my bird bath this morning and then cleared the ice and put in fresh water. Two hours later a skiff of paper thin ice has reappeared. There are no heaters in any of my eight aquariums. This is going to be my experimental winter. I will heat the room with an electric oil filled radiant heater. Last night got down to 25 degrees and my fish room , which sits over an unheated crawl space , was right at 70 this morning. I will be content with that.
Just heard my place is gonna have a snowstorm from early Thursday thru Friday and expecting 1 foot of snow.
We are getting it as rain, and with tropical warmth up to 16c. It'll turn to snow as it moves to where it'll be balanced between the Atlantic Ocean. 16c/60f in mid November? This younger generation of snow clouds and climate patterns does not respect tradition!
Well , a night in the low teens and another inch of snow. The weatherman is calling for it to get up into the thirties starting tomorrow. I just got back in after shoveling the driveway. The ground was warm when this started and I got down to a coating of ice with slush on top and finally snow on top of that. Ten pound shovelfuls . I'm getting too old for this baloney. Have to sit down and collect myself before siphoning the days feeding of brine shrimp. How do people work full time jobs and still do all this ?

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