Winter Spawn Pics


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kenosha, Wisconsin


these are the 2 fish i plan to spawn this winter, the male is a vt and has a little halfmoon thiong going i think, i dont think your can tell by the pic. the female is a double ray crown, im currently bidding on her at aquabid. i just wanna know what u guys think it willturn out like -_-
there is no telling. they are both multis so you will probably get a lot combtail veils with mnay colors.
ask the seller if you can purchase a spawn sibling or another ct male that looks similar. you will like the results much better.

ps-theres no halfmoon thing going on. its a veil.
the female is lovely but i'm not erally sure about your male carrying the HM geno -_- i dont' think i'ts possible becuase you're either a HM or a VT...there are those that carry the HM geno but i don't think it shows up -_-

but then again i'm not an expert on tehse things :p they are good lokoing though :)
thank your guys, im not sure about the hm thing myself. i really want o breed the pair, i know ill end up with combtails and vt's but i know where i can find them homes. this might be the only time i breed the pair thogh, iv got my black/steel male in my avy im looking to find him a female and id like to see what i can lern about the black betta gene.

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