Winter Is Brooding!

How much would u charge for one of them? W/o the shipping fees.

I honestly haddbt given it much thought, probably between 3 and 5 bucks... Depending how many grow up nice, and how attached I get, and of course can't forget about the fact that I'm probably going to have them coming out my ears... So at some point there will be a desperate need to "lower overhead" lol

I tried photographing them yesterday... The babies, at this stage, just look like gunk in the water!

Winter on the other hand, is finally getting his pep back, he seemed kinda droopy after I removed him. I think he really enjoyed being a daddy
wonder what colour combos you'd get breeding a pure red/black betta with that white female. fantastic looking fish!
White is supposed to be a "steel blue" fish with opaque white pigment (theoretically, if I understood the genetics pages correctly) so blue bases is what I'd expect.
I'm just hoping for the white beards... I understand that is one of the harder things to breed out of white males.

...takes them a while to look like fish! We shall see how this first breeding experience turns out. ;) I'm kinda into monochromatic, but I AM interested in those metallic black with silver bodies that I have seen occasionally, I'm going to have Bettas coming out my ears here soon... But if I were going for another one, that'd probably be the colors I'd play with
My new lady is like that metallic scales she is so nice ESP when she is flaring at others when I breed I think she may be the one I try first. :)

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