Winter Is Brooding!

Wow what a beautiful male he's truly gorgeoushope you get some stunning babies
hahaha how about shipping tot he uk im sure there would be a great dmeand over here :p (just wish it was possible for cheep and low rish tot he fishies)
The shipping on BOTH sets of fish was kind of crazy!
Winter is a Thai import, and you WOULD THINK that would be easy since is a straight flight from Thailand to Hawaii... But no, he somehow got shipped to California before the middleman shipped him here... He was in transit 5 days, arrived no worse for wear.

The 6 pack of siblings I got from Arizona... It took 9 days! We were tracking it, and there are 5 days the package was unaccounte for... I was so afraid of what I would find when I finally got it! (especially since the box REEKED in no small way!) when I opened it, some of the best packed Bettas I've ever seen where happy and healthy in there, all flared at me right away! The stink came from the live food cultures that the guy threw in as a bonus... Which all went bad in shipping!

Ironic that the Bettas were fine but the food (Which is supposed to be darn near indestructable, since it was worms) all expired! Amazing luck... And I'm thinking these Bettas are REALLY made of good stuff!

Anyway, I'm excited about this batch... I haven't seen babies yet, but he sure is tending that nest and giving me dirty looks every time I check on him!

Milady is like nothing happened, happily destroying mosquito larvae (with gleeful enthusiasm! Which makes me a proud mama since I hate Mosquitos!) and scuds in addition to her pellets!

I couldnt be happier about them, they are magnificent fish!
thats the best Betta I have ever seen, wish females where so pretty.
:D thanks! He is really cool!

When I was researching breeding Bettas, I came across a guy who had some extremely long finned females that looked JUST like males! I'll have to see if I can find the link!

My females are pretty little fish as well, just less extravagant. Look pretty much the same, minus the flowing veils of bed-sheet-like fins. Mine are FULL of personality and flare just as much as the boys do! When they fan and flip all their fins out to match the boy in the tank next to them, they really are not all that different looking... ;)
Milady De Winter:


I need to get a good face shot, as well as some of her flared out "ME TOO!" display that she does for the boys!, she has a pretty little face and loves making direct eye contact! She also jumps out of the water at feeding time very interactive fish, and there is a sort of elegance to the simpler lines of the female I think... They have a much more "practical" design to them
I think, kind of like Plakats.

Of course there is no arguing the Winter is the more impressive of the two, those big flower petal fins of his are simply stunning! I like the white beard and gill plates though, most whites (and my other 2 white males as well) seem to have black beards when they flare out)
more of Winter;
Flare displaying me, showing off those white cheeks! You can almost hear him sayin "I'm a Lion!"

Trying to get at me...
ED949178-orig.jpg dirty looks:

And in FULL-ON fins instead of feathers Peacock mode:
There are squigglys!
...they look kinda like little mosquito larva, I'm hoping he can tell the difference between them and actual mosquito larva since I do feed them live ones. (he hasn't eaten since he bred)
when they are free swiming take him out (i bet you already know this though) he WILL eat them when they are free swimming and untill then he proberly wont eat :D sorry if you already knew this :p x
Lol I already knew, but I definitely appreciate the advice!
When we get caught up in the excitement it's easy to forget simple basics. Lol

They are still up and down, parachuting in and out of the nest... Not quite looking like fish fry yet
:D well im a noob but i looked into the how to as i will breed them just when i find the space ect hehe :D but yes its also something some people easily overlook :D still want some mailed to uk lol :p
Lol I'm pretty new also, it's a first spawn of Bettas for me... And they are different than others ive bred, so im still reading how to websites and breeder blogs and watching more closely than I probably should!
Winter seems annoyed with me, he's always giving me this really cross look when I check on him! Lol
beautiful bettas, can't wait for pics of the fry n "watch" them grow
They are growing... I'll try to get pictures that look like something other than squigglys so far just little eyes and they aren't too photogenic yet! I'll try and get some shots tknight.
How much would u charge for one of them? W/o the shipping fees.

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