Wine glass fish

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Would it be safe to put a clear glass wine cup in my bettas tank?
I don't claim to be an expert as I'm completely new to the hobby myself. But from all the research I've done I understand that it is possible to house other fish with a Betta but it's pretty much down to luck and the bettas personality. In any case wait for someone who knows a bit more than I.
It should be safe as long as there is no residue soap or wine, etc in the glass. However, you should steer clear of the more decorative "crystal glasses" not sure how they make them anymore but they used to make them with mercury in them, this would add the sparkly light glimmer that you see on old crystal collectors pieces. If the glass is cracked or chipped the mercury can actually bleed into the water
I don't claim to be an expert as I'm completely new to the hobby myself. But from all the research I've done I understand that it is possible to house other fish with a Betta but it's pretty much down to luck and the bettas personality. In any case wait for someone who knows a bit more than I.
I miss read your post, I thought you wanted to add a glass fish (no idea if that's a species of fish or not) to your Betta tank. Ignore my failure of a comment.
In general, anything that's safe for humans to eat or drink from is safe to put in your tank, BUT you should only use new things, not old/antique type objects, as they weren't as safety conscious in the old days, as Baker rightly pointed out! I'd also avoid anything with metallic rims and the more obviously novelty items; stick with the classic, plainer styles.

My friend used to use tea cups full of gravel to grow plants in her goldfish and weather loach tanks, to stop the fish digging them up, it looked pretty cute :)
Some crystal (and I believe it was actually called lead crystal) had lead in it (fancy that!).

The other issue would be having a long stemmed wine glass and the danger of your fish knocking it over and breaking it. I had a fish once that would knock the intake clean off the filter every day (and now he's gone to live in a pond somewhere thanks to a random encounter at a LFS).

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