well, I dont know about wining fish, but as a gift I bought
3 betta, 3 5 liter mini tanks, 3 biotopol mini things and 3 tubs of food
and gave the bettas as gifts to my friends. i put gravel from my aquarium
and some fake plants i didnt use anymore. i also sent them an email
telling them how to care for fish. if anyone interested, here is the email.
*letter starts*
Quick guide on how to care for fish
by agus
there are 3 main things that affect the health of your betta fish. the water quality, the lighting and heating and the feeding of your fish. these are the three main things you will have to maintain to keep a healthy fish. fish disease is another, more rare subject. if you ever feel your fish is sick, just tell me, I will be happy to help.
1) water condition:
the ecological cycle in a tank is the cycle from when the fish poops, to the poop being "eated" by bacteria on the gravel
and converted to a deadly posion to another set of bacteria converting that chemical into a less lethal one. as your small tanks do not have a filter, the cycle for your tank stops at the point of bacteria eating some of the poop and converting it. what you need to do to ensure that the water quality of the tank is good, you must net out excess poop with a net and you must change the water in the tank by a MAXIMUM of 25% per week. you should only exceed this amount if the water is in very bad quality or your fish is pale, sick or highly stressed. to change the water, simply take the top of the tank of , take a cup or similar object and remove water. then insert new, fresh water from sink into tank. never directly remove or insert water into and from sink and tank.
before you insert more water into tank, use JBL Biotopol (came with tank) and insert 1 drop of biotopol per glass or 150 ml of water.
2) lighting and heating:
your tank should always be inbetween 21 degrees celcius and 24 degrees. it should never be placed next to a window or heater. Your tank should recieve a minimum of 8 hours of direct light per day and a strict maximum of 13 hours of light per day. As I myself go to bed very late, i set my aquarium light to turn on at 10 am and off at 10 pm. like this, the fish may live with my nocturnal lifestyle. it would be very usefull to place the tank under a powerful light, as long as the light is not on for longer than 12 hours per day, since it is powerful.
3) feeding:
your fish should be fed once a day, in the morning. it does not matter if they are fed with or without lights on. they should be fed a very little amount, about as much as a pinch of salt, or when you hold a salt pitcher sideways and tap it so a very little amount of salt, or in this case fish food, comes out. there should be one day a week every one or two weeks in which you do not feed your fish to induce a natural environment. if you over feed your fish by accident, you may easily net out extra fish food and then throw it away. do not put it back in the tub of fish flakes.
I hope you enjoy your betta spllendens fish, also commonly known as siamese fighting fish. if you ever want to buy more fish, a female could fit in the tank with the male, but another male would fight to death with your fish. females have shorter fins and are slightly less colorful. they cost 10 CHF in any fish shop. if you have any questions, just reply to this message with your question.
*letter ends*
Im still against fish being won at fairs, but this i think is more humain.