Will This Addition Be Too Much?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina... Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.
In my 29g tank I have a occ. clown, a coral beauty, a valentini puffer, and a lawnmower blenny. It's been running great for about a year now, and I'd love to add a six line wrasse (actually, I'd be replacing my royal gramma with it), but am also thinking of adding a b/w occ clown in hopes of getting a pair.
Would both of these be too much for the tank?

your tank is maybe a little on the wrong side of heavily stocked already

trying to pair the clown in a tank that size is a mistake

a sixline wrasse is a very bad choice for smaller aquariums
some 6lines are aggresive never had a problem with mine in a smallish tank it got on with everything, but a few freinds of mine there 6line has dominated the tank.
Right now my Coral Beaty dominates. Not in a bad way, she just makes sure the lm blenny isn't in her area of the rock work from time-to-time.
I was thinking he'd be less inclined to dominate too badly since he would be put in last, much later than the others.
I really love the look of the 6-line... but is there another wrasse that would be better suited?
Really? I've been told that size tank is fine for a six-line. Is it bc of activity level or aggression level that you say that?
Yeah, I kind of thought another clown would be pushing it... guess I'll nix that.

Most say that 30gal. is the MINIMUM size for a six line, so you are at the bare minimum.
I think I may try a yellowheaded jawfish instead. I had one a while back but lost it. I really enjoyed watching it -- very cool fish.
Thanks for the help!!

Have you seen the Blue Spotted Jawfish? They are awesome looking:

Ooohhh... that's beautiful!!! I'll have to keep my eyes open for that one, but I'll prob end up with the pearly/yellowhead. The lfs around here only carry "typical" fish mostly -- they rarely get anything too exotic.
But, wow.... :hyper:

When I add the jawfish (whichever one it may be) should I remove the lm blenny first, rearrange the rock, then add the jawfish, and then add the blenny back just to help with any aggression? Or do you think it'll be safe to just add the jawfish?
Doesn't matter. Lawnmower blennies occupy a fairly specific niche so probably won't bother a planktonivore too much. No certainty here, though.

I would also recommend the addition of GFO or a fuge to keep levels good. You don't need it, though.
GFO aka Granular Ferric Oxide aka Phosban aka Rowaphos is a phosphate binder. All GFO is created equal (literally from one factory in Germany), so if you can find a bulk supplier (like bulkreefsupply.com ;) ;)) you can use it to help remove phosphate.

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