Will They Get Along?

I would be worried about the guppies and platies. I've done cories with bettas plenty of times.

As for the tequila sunset guppy, that's just the name for the coloring.
Thanks for all the input! I've decided to get a new 10 gallon tank for a betta. My boyfriend is getting his own 10 gallon for a betta as well. Fish keeping is becoming quite the hobby for us! Hopefully I'll get everything this weekend so I can get my cycle started. Since it's only ten gallons, I'd like to stick with some smaller tankmates. I'm leaning towards some celestial pearl danios/galaxy rasboras. My lfs had a bunch and I just love the way they look and I feel like I could get a good number of them since they are little. Although Alexiooc mentioned keeping an upside down catfish with one....that intrigued me as well. I happened to see some at Petsmart the other day and love them. I think both the rasboras and catfish together might be too much for the bettta and tank. Plus, being a small tank and the catfish getting 3-4 inches....would that even work? Or maybe keep them in there and transfer them to another tank when they get big? How fast do they grow and how many need to be together? I know most corys prefer at least 6; I don't know about the upside down one though. Any thoughts will be greatly apprecated.
If you have sand substrate in the 10 gallon, pygmy cories would work very nicely - you could easily have 8 or so in there and perhaps a few male endlers too if you wanted. Other options might be a school of microrasbora (eg chili rasbora), CPDs or ember tetras - so you'd be able to have those you mentioned. I'd make a guess that 8 or so wouldn't be too much considering their tiny size. If you went for some of the smaller shoalers, I'd plant it fairly heaviliy as I'd imagine they'd appriciate it what with their small size. There are various options that could work in the 10G. I'm pretty certain that the upside down cats would get too large for a 10G though, I'm afraid.
Ok thanks, that's kindof what I was thinking as well. I do plan on planting heavily anyways, so I'll most likely stick with some smaller rasboras.

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