Mostly New Member
One of my guppies have cammalanus. Will Prazipro cure it? And how quickly will the other fish in my tank be infested?
Treating your tank
1. Remove the Charcoal filtration and UV if you have it. Everything else should remain exactly the same. Same lights, same filters, same plastic figures and plants and same live plants and same temperature. pH doesn't matter. Everything that normally gets wet needs to be treated with the medication
2. Set the water temperature to about 75° F. Change the water in the tank to be treated, as close to all of it as you can. Don't try to scrub the tank clean. That destroys the Good bacteria and Protozoa and it will have to cycle those things back. That takes time and does harm to the fish etc. while it is working. Just change the water with your favorite Chlorine removing chemicals.
Make sure you have the solution you need for the treatment.
3. Pour in the solution of Levamisole and swirl it into the aquarium water to mix things completely.
4. Watch the fish for the next 3 days and 2 nights. Net out any dead ones. Let them dry on a news paper or paper towel and into the trash. NOT THE SINK or COMMODE! Don't put them back into our water system.
Any unused solution can be kept in a closed glass container, don't use a metal lid, in a refrigerator for 6 weeks as long as there is no evaporation.
Keep feeding the fish as usual. No reason to change anything. Besides, you want them to eliminate the dead Nematodes and need to keep things moving through the gut.
5. On the third day, change the water again to remove the dead Nematodes and the Medication.
That's it - But it has to be done again in 3 weeks. There is some question about the Levamisole killing eggs in ripe females. These eggs could be expelled after death and remain viable to hatch into more worms.
So, treat the tank in 3 weeks at the same rate you treated it first. Change the water in 3 days and you and your fish are free of the Nematode.
Fenbendazole and Praziquantel CAN be used for treatment but may not kill the worms,only paralyze them.
If using either of those it's highly recommended to thoroughly gravel vacuum the tank every 24 hours during treatment.
5 gram packet - $10.00 + postage treats 100 gallons of Fresh Water tank water.