Will A Peat Filter Soften Water?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2012
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South Texas, USA
Today I have a very simple question, will a filter equipped with a nylon bag filled with organic peat moss soften water as well as acidify it? 
My water is very hard and slightly alkaline so I'm looking for ways to soften it.
The simple answer, in my experience, is no. 
I have hard water, the GH and kH are at the very top end of my test strips. I have to use vinegar and baking soda monthly to get the hard water stains off my aquarium glass.
I introduced a small amount of peat to my filter and it turned the water down but did little else. 
In order to acidify the water, getting the pH down to around 6 I assume, one needs to lower the gH and kH. 
Once the gH and kH are lowered then the peat will take affect and begin to change the pH of the water. Because the GH and kH buffer the tank and make it more difficult to lower the pH. Another product should be used to do this as pH will not do it on its own. 

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