Will a high temperature hurt my other fish?


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2019
Reaction score
New Orleans
I just got a pair of German blue rams for my 20 long. I have neon and emperor tetras, honey gourami, and a sparkling gourami. I will have to set the tank at 80-82. Will the higher temp affect my other fish too much?
So what should I do then?
Not get fish that need different requirements next time probably.

I would either do a separate tank for the rams, in which you could add rummynose or cardinals which also need warmer water, or return the rams to the store
Not get fish that need different requirements next time probably.

I would either do a separate tank for the rams, in which you could add rummynose or cardinals which also need warmer water, or return the rams to the store
Ok. I have rummy nose so I might switch the 2 then

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