Wild Caught Clown Fish With Parasite


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2006
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San Francisco, CA
i think there is something wrong with my wild caught clown that i bought last week because they havent eaten anything yet and there are some slimmy looking thing that is haing on both of my clowns.....and when i bought them they have scars on them and a day or two after i put them in my tank there are white stuff covering the wounds and it just spread on their wounds......sadly one of them died last weekend after i have him for 4 days he loks really ugly there are white stuff (not ich) on him and his upper skin located near his eye are deformed i dont know why. one of my fish is still alive and im treating him with this sodium chloride with desease dip well the white stuff went away but this fish also have a difform skin on the same location from the fish that died already and he havent eaten anything yet (im buyin some live brine and ghost shrimp after i write this topic). i ask alot of peolpe online and the all said that it has a parasite inside their system..........they are the only fish on my tank except for my CUC so is my tank infected with this parasite and how can i get rid off the parasite on my tank and on my fish and wen can i add a new fish on my tank......i will probobly buy some tank bread clown....wat im reall concers about is my tank is it infected by that parasite or the parasite only affect the fish.........i really need your help guys

all my water parameter are in good condition

and is it good to mix two different premix salt

my clown hevent eaten in anything since i got him about a weeks already
The clown probably has chilodonella, it is a nasty disease.

I'm afraid that dipping a saltwater fish in salt (sodium chloride) water won't do much for curing diseases.

I highly doubt that the other fish will get infected. I don't believe it is very contagious :)

I don't think it will be a problem to mix two different kinds of salt mixtures.

bad news my last clown died tonight so now my focus is on my tank im really concern about my tank is there a chance that i can still put fish in it if so when........and is there anything that i can do for my main tank or should i just let it sit there for 3 weeks or so and i have some hermit and snails in my main tank are they safe.........i just set up a Qt tank........i order some tank raised clowns from my LFS they are gettin it this friday so when is the best time/day to get my clowns...should i wait a week

is my tank on the berge of a big disaster

are my LR safe

is there a way to take out all orf the parasite that is on my main tank like partical water change or UV sterilizer wne can i put fish on my main tank

and is the desiease/parasite only affected my clown and my tank (i dont have any other fish in there
I think the Marine equililant of chilodonella is Brooklynella still as nasty

The treatment for brooklynella is formalin in a sandless (BB) tank with no other live.

If it were my tank I would be inclined to keep the tank keep the tank fishless for 1 - 1 1/2 Months as the number of pathogens will more likely be multiplying :sad:
I think the Marine equililant of chilodonella is Brooklynella still as nasty

The treatment for brooklynella is formalin in a sandless (BB) tank with no other live.

If it were my tank I would be inclined to keep the tank keep the tank fishless for 1 - 1 1/2 Months as the number of pathogens will more likely be multiplying :sad:

so chach if this is ur tnka u would definitly redo everything is that wat u mean.........and i ask my LFS personal about the disease they said that you could i can put a fish on it within a couple of weeks i also asked this guy from dr.fostnersmith.com they said the same thing.......a month and a half is kinda long and i just finishe cycling my tank twoo weeks ago.......ohh and they also said that its a clown fish disease.......alittle help out here chac wat should i do i really want to get a fish now.....is it good to turn off ur light this time and is it safe to change some of ur water.......is this disease really that bad
IMO I personally wouldnt add any fish until the pathogens have went through there cycle which IMO 6 weeks is a safe bet

You can carry on as normal with Corals etc & water changes but IMO no fish

JMHO :sad:
but some peole as i said form my LFS and this website (i talk to him by phone) told me that its safe to put a fish in there within 2 weeks so are you sayin that 6 weeks will be completly asfe or its just longer but 2 weeks could be safe as well i only have that fish on my tank for 1 week.......u can tell that im relly desperate to get a fish now lol.....

wats the difference btween waitin 2 weeks and waitin fo 6 weeks

thx man
Well, if you can be 110% SURE that the diagnosis is a parasite then a 2-4 week waiting period is OK. If its a bacteria, 6 weeks should be a good sterilization time. Bacteria can survive dormant for MUCH longer than parasites. Did you take any pictures of the sick clowns? Some strains of brooklynella are very virulent and some are not. My clownfish have had a mild case of brooklynella for a while but regular feedings of nutritious and varied foods along with a low-stress environment have allowed them to fight the infection off themselves. Sounds like you got a more virulent strain though :(
I read today that wild-caught Ocellaris Clowns are as hard to keep alive as Tassled Filefish, Rock Beauties, Mandarins, Harlequin Tusk, ect.

Also, Ski and Chac are right about what they say. All viruses are parasitic and cannot survive long without a host, whereas few bacteria are parasitic.

-Lynden :sad:
so waitin for 6 week without fish is the minimun or the maximum time and how long can i place a fish on a bare botton qt tank and wat do i need to do to make the chemical stable on my qt and i have a filter in it and wat other thing should i do for the fish thats goin to be on my qt to be safe
Short term couple days, sure, longterm, nope. Most QT tanks are run with minimal LR and/or a powerfilter. Because longterm nitrate buildup isnt too much of a concern in a small tank volume of almoast no bio load, I'd go with an HOB filter.
Short term couple days, sure, longterm, nope. Most QT tanks are run with minimal LR and/or a powerfilter. Because longterm nitrate buildup isnt too much of a concern in a small tank volume of almoast no bio load, I'd go with an HOB filter.

im not really sure wat ur talkin abut ski.......are you talkin about the qt or my main tank that is infected with Brooklynellosis

and can i use ammonia lock for my qt so the ammonia will be stabolize and how long can i keep a fish in a qt tank
For a QT tank, use an HOB filter and very small amount of LR. While ammolock might work for a day or two with a QT tank its not advisable to use it for longer periods of time. And since you usually want to QT for 1-2 weeks, its best to use some natural filtration and probably a small HOB to suppliment it. Dont ever use ammolock in your main tank. Remember, nutrients will be sparse in your QT tank so you can have a man-made filter to help process nitrogen and provide some flowrate.

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