Why Won't They Breed?


New Member
Dec 12, 2006
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I have 10 platys and 7 guppies does anyone know why they won't breed? they all get on well but not one has had any babies and i've had them for about 3 months.


Sadily they dont all read the books and sites that say their easy.

If the water is poor quility then that a major cause them to stop breeding.

And i've got guppies that have not produce fry for 6 months and then they start and their off ;)

What temp do u keep them at?
Sadily they dont all read the books and sites that say their easy.

If the water is poor quility then that a major cause them to stop breeding.

And i've got guppies that have not produce fry for 6 months and then they start and their off ;)

What temp do u keep them at?

the tank is at 24C its a 300L tank and takes forever to do a water change so will admit it doesn't get done as often as it should.
nice sized tank, but ye water chages may be the key?
Temp is fine as well,
no at least i worked out male and females lol then again could just have lesbian fish!
the tank is stocked with plants and fish are fed enough, feed them energy flakes?!?!? cuecumber, ocean sticks and pelets that are meant for the shrimps and plec but they all eat them. All the females have that dark spot but it never goes. How can i make sure the babies suvive, i can't even see them and dont want to put the females in the seperate little box and stress them out.
the tank is stocked with plants and fish are fed enough, feed them energy flakes?!?!? cuecumber, ocean sticks and pelets that are meant for the shrimps and plec but they all eat them. All the females have that dark spot but it never goes. How can i make sure the babies suvive, i can't even see them and dont want to put the females in the seperate little box and stress them out.
most fish can get through the plants quite easy and eat or attack the fry. A good way to save the fry is Unravelled plastic pot scourers used for washing up pots and pans they make a good spawning media For livebearers.I have used it many times it is one of the best ways of saving the young. the adults can’t get to the babies so easy because the plastic scourers are very hard and making it very difficult for the adult fish to get in
the tank is stocked with plants and fish are fed enough, feed them energy flakes?!?!? cuecumber, ocean sticks and pelets that are meant for the shrimps and plec but they all eat them. All the females have that dark spot but it never goes. How can i make sure the babies suvive, i can't even see them and dont want to put the females in the seperate little box and stress them out.
most fish can get through the plants quite easy and eat or attack the fry. A good way to save the fry is Unravelled plastic pot scourers used for washing up pots and pans they make a good spawning media For livebearers.I have used it many times it is one of the best ways of saving the young. the adults can’t get to the babies so easy because the plastic scourers are very hard and making it very difficult for the adult fish to get in
I will say same as a few other people have said,Chances are they already have had fry and they have all been eaten...ive bred guppys hundreds of times but after a while you will be thinking Why did i want to breed them cos they will be plenty of them,belive me once they start they really do not stop
I've done the same as Fish48, u can buy in shop's for silly money

But DIY costs £0.50 ($0.25) or less

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