No, I have 4 fish tanks, eventually 5, but in my case I'm living on social welfare, my hip joints are broken and I just can't go to work somewhere, what the german state pays for me is just enogh for me to survive, I live in perpetual isolation here and am an undesired person, without a country in this world that would be my home (I'am half a german half a spaniard), it would be different to me if I would stand on my own legs, were lord of my self, then I could give something mine's, but I get all what I own from the german state and am a prisoner of unfortunate circumstances, well you are probably right to say it could have been much worse for me, it always can, but on the other side there are other problems in this world, really unlucky people, for which it would be much fairer to spend something, this site has also their owners and they are surely not Mother Teresa.