Why Name Your Fish?!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 13, 2006
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aberdeen, scotland
i dont mean to offend any of you who do....
but i have noticed that a fair few seem to name their fish....

WHY do you name your fish??! if something wont come to you when you call it, why give it a name?! i just call mine fish or any such word that pops into my head at the time! :blink:

rant over...
i dont mean to offend any of you who do....
but i have noticed that a fair few seem to name their fish....

WHY do you name your fish??! if something wont come to you when you call it, why give it a name?! i just call mine fish or any such word that pops into my head at the time! :blink:

rant over...
hmm well i can see how you have problems naming things like danios and tetras, but some of the larger fish grant names i think, they also do have personalities if you look hard enough and observe their behaviour ;)
I named bettas, but I never really said, "here, ares!" It was just easier to say, "well, i cleaned ares' tank today," rather than, "i cleaned my male betta with silver body and red fins tank today." The only other fish I named was my male cory, who was named Taz, for whatever reason.
I name the ones that are gonna live quite long, like my goldfish and my bettas. It's a little harder to name my community fish tank b/c well there's like 4 of the same type and you can't really tell the difference. I think it's fun to give them names.
It was just easier to say, "well, i cleaned ares' tank today," rather than, "i cleaned my male betta with silver body and red fins tank today."

but why not just say 'cleaned the fish'

surely you must get asked 'who's ares' then you would have to explain anyway. fish just seems to cover it all!
I name all my fish because they all seem to be so different. I dont see them as a decoration, but as creatures, with their own personality. I'd hate to sit there when I'm chatting to them and refer to them all as "you fish". So every single one has names. Except the tetras. Who are all called "Mike". But I can tell all the Mike's apart so its cool.
It was just easier to say, "well, i cleaned ares' tank today," rather than, "i cleaned my male betta with silver body and red fins tank today."

but why not just say 'cleaned the fish'

surely you must get asked 'who's ares' then you would have to explain anyway. fish just seems to cover it all!

Because I had eight. :shifty: And then when I had to go away for a while I made care sheets for my mom... of course.. she never recognized the fish names.. she was like...


when she was supposed to flare Loki, etc, but uh... that's sort of irrelevant. :blink:
I don't name my fish, but have considered calling them "bob" collectively. :fun: maybe call my king tiger "king bob" hmmmm
Yeah. Its helpful to distinguish them all. Its hard explaining to my boyf if one is sick. He'd never know who I meant. We can both recognise fish by name and what they look like so can pick them out. And with over 30 odd fish, its confusing saying "that one with the spots that has a shorter fin than the other one with spots and isnt the black and white one with spots but the brownish one with spots with less spots on one side than the other one with spots of the same colour has been itching himself".
Because I had eight. :shifty: And then when I had to go away for a while I made care sheets for my mom... of course.. she never recognized the fish names.. she was like...


when she was supposed to flare Loki, etc, but uh... that's sort of irrelevant. :blink:

i find colour coding works well with my missus. "put some food in from the BROWN tub. foolproof! :good:
Well why not name them? Do you have a dog or a cat? Did you give them a name or are they nameless?

Your fish are your pets, part of your family, well thats how I see it, and anyone thats part of my family gets a name.

It also helps when I am trying to explain something to my husband and I just have to give the fishes name and he knows who I am talking about.
naming them makes them feel more like other pets such as horses, dogs and cats. people name snakes and lizzards who don't come when you call. i agree, i don't name tropical fish...except my matae and schwartzi cories, but a big part of my time is coming up with names for my bettas. when you have alot of bettas, it's easier to name them instead of saying the blue one as it's possible to have more than one blue one.
Well why not name them? Do you have a dog or a cat? Did you give them a name or are they nameless?

Your fish are your pets, part of your family, well thats how I see it, and anyone thats part of my family gets a name.

It also helps when I am trying to explain something to my husband and I just have to give the fishes name and he knows who I am talking about.

well said! :thumbs:
But things like my neons are cardinals are too hard to tell apart, so i just call them neons and cardinals etc to all my fish

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