Why It Is All Worth It For Me.


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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After a long hard day at work there is nothing better then a hug from my little daughter and to sit back and watch the fish.

I'm going to spen my 4th of July with a tequila driver and watch the fish with my daughter. Good ending to a poop day.

Do your fish help you relax. Do you take the time to enjoy them?
After a long hard day at work there is nothing better then a hug from my little daughter and to sit back and watch the fish.

I'm going to spen my 4th of July with a tequila driver and watch the fish with my daughter. Good ending to a poop day.

Do your fish help you relax. Do you take the time to enjoy them?

That is the exact reason I got into fish keeping last month. Is because of my 2 year old daughter loves fish. So we started up a little 10 gallon tank. Every night I come home and sit with her and watch the fish and snail that we have. Its great R&R
I know how you feel!

My fish tank at my parents house is kind of dull. No offense to my bettas, but they're pretty lazy. But when I'm at my fiances I love to sit on the couch and watch our 37 gallon community tank and I can literally watch it for a good hour straight. The bettas in there will be hiding in plants and the rams will follow our 9 cories around while the guppies swim at the top. Always something to watch!
*high five* to snowflake.

I was thinking the same last night, my little one was in bed though. I'd finished a very busy shift in the hospital and got home and just sat with a cold magners watching the fish for half an hour.
Absolutely. I find watching the fish very relaxing, and have chosen my stock to ensure there is always someone out and about :D
My son is autistic, so it is 24/7 on the go with him, no time to relax until he goes to bed. When he is finally in bed, I pop some decent Motown tunes on, clean the tank, water change etc and check on all my aquatic buddies. Once finished (I usually take an hr doing this), I kick back with a chilling drink and relax.

It's like a 'get-a-way' for me and I love them, very calming.

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