Why Do We Name Or Bettas

I was sitting thinking earlier why people name there bettas but not other fish, I have a community tank and haven't named a thing in it apart from the 2 female Bettas and i've also named my 2 males is it because they are there own little people they seem to have there own personalities like Luda when i enter the room he swims to the front of the tank and paces it until i come over then he's quite happy to go back to patroling his tank or chill out in his coconut. Also what have you named your bettas and why ?

i only name mine as a joke really. i never go with "pet-like" names like sparky or buddy. i always call em names that only a human would have. right now i have a male named frank.
Yeah I name all of my fish... if not at the store, then it's either in the car or at home. I only have 1 betta (Simon), but I name all my other fish too. :D

I always name my pets. The thing with me is I always have to have crazy names I know no one else will come up with, just so mine are individuals and no one else will have that same name for their pets.

For example, my betta is named JoJo Chinto and I just got a red-eared slider turtle and named him Norbit Van Hinkelstein. I fully intend on getting a few more bettas and giving them equally embarrassing names :lol:

i name them because they're my babies. lol it's strange, having any kind of pet without a name. i even named our Barbs and Tetras, and could tell them all apart! XD

let's see... i have Cup, the Veiltail, Weiss the platinum marble HMPK, and Lulu, the possible-PK female. :3 then, i named my mom's Halfsun Counter Buddy, because she didn't want to name him. XD
Naming them does give them more personality. I can't fathom not naming a betta. They are smarter than other fish and more keen to watching details of things outside their tank.

Because they're just fish and I won't have to yell their names out when they get out the fence in the backyard, I tend to give the most absurd names.

My boyfriend and I got an off-white cichlid last week. We call him Yellow Snow. And he has an unusual way of hiding from the dominate cichlids in the tank. He gets under the overhang of the filter and lays on his side. At first glance someone might think he's dead. This is just his hang out. We joking call him Yellow Snow the Parallel Parker. Definitely not something you can shout at your dog without turning heads. :lol:

Others have more normal names: Dusk, Pearl, Bumblebee, Fred, Lucky, Blueberry
And we have some more cichlids in another tank with names: Firecracker, CB, Pirate, Wally, Pearl

I have bettas named: Sweeney, Mad Hatter, and the female is Strawberry

Albino BN: Hilton (Paris Hilton)

However I've not officially named my guppies yet at my boyfriends and haven't attempted to name 2 goldfish we plan on rehoming. They've lived in my parents home for about 8 months and never been named.
i've gotten into a theme. Final Fantasy names. well, Cup was named Cup, because he had to live in his cup for a few days while we did some hard-core cleaning of our 10-gallon, and the catfish and barb had to go SOMEWHERE while we did that. Weiss is a platinum(marble. lol) HMPK, so he's named white. but, he's slowly turning pink. XD Lulu was named after the black mage on Final Fantasy X, and she's black, red, and blue. :D Mister Auron, the VT that didn't last the night, was named after his colors, black, red, and blue, and Auron, again from FFX, shares his colors. :D so, it's based on color, and they get a corresponding FF character's name. :3
I name everything. I tend to also name inanimate objects. :hyper: I also only have one fish, so of course he's named.

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