Why Do We Name Or Bettas


Fish Fanatic
Apr 27, 2010
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New Lanark
I was sitting thinking earlier why people name there bettas but not other fish, I have a community tank and haven't named a thing in it apart from the 2 female Bettas and i've also named my 2 males is it because they are there own little people they seem to have there own personalities like Luda when i enter the room he swims to the front of the tank and paces it until i come over then he's quite happy to go back to patroling his tank or chill out in his coconut. Also what have you named your bettas and why ?
It's humanizing an animal, by giving it a name and forms a bond/attachment.

Mine are named, although I do have a tendency to be sarcastic with the names :lol:
I dont nam my fish anymore, i get too attached =[

i named all of my bettas at one point, the climnaris came along and killed all 14

I guess because you can tell them apart easily with all of the color and fin variations, and with community tank fish generally even if you get 2 of the same type, you won't be able to tell them apart. Worse with schooling fish.
every single one of my fish are named "Fish". although some are more special to me.

In my Experimental Psychology class we were kind of talking about this- the professor told us that people like to name things (like their cat, dog, fish, guitar, car, etc) as well as say things like "my fish is really happy" or "the rain is out to get me" because it creates almost a soul-like entity for the animal, object, or nature (kind of like animism). And it gives some attachment for the person. :nod: And it's also fun. :lol:

Betta fish seem to have more of a personality than a goldfish (or so I've experienced) so that is why I named my betta and not my goldfish.

I named my betta Ivan and I am drawing a picture of him. :hyper:

I dont nam my fish anymore, i get too attached =[

i named all of my bettas at one point, the climnaris came along and killed all 14


:-( That's so sad! I'm so sorry about the loss of all your fishies... :rip:
Naming them attaches emotion and sentiment to them. I however name mine for hilarity purposes:

My clown loach is called 'Bin Laden' - he's always hiding in caves
my bamboo shirmp is called 'Fonzie' - he's always got his thumbs up saying 'Eeyyyyyy...'
My ancistrus is called 'Steven' - cat fish called steven...cat stevens.....never mind...
My Betta is called George.
I have 1 betta called lennox, my first betta blue veiltail, called him Lennox cos hes a 'fighting' fish, after Lennox Lewis

My other betta is a red and blue crowntail, hes called Renji, because his tail looks like Renji's hair (Renji is a character in a anime called bleach)

I have a yoyo loach called Turk, named after some guy we know called Turk, just thought it'd be funny

Apart from those i havent named any other fish
Some of my past fish names: big ram, little ram, purple snail, female gourami... etc etc I'm really original like that lol.

I probably would name a betta (or any centerpiece fish that lived as a single specimen), mainly cause I name my pets and if you can actually identify the named fish then why not :D
hi,when i had a comunity tank....of platies,,lol..... I had a variety of them, none were the same, so they all had names. I now have platies and guppies and the platies are the same except the male....trying to come up with a name for him....and the guppies are almost identical, so they dont have names either
my red superdelta dragon betta, is called Blaze, coz he looks like flames
the corys dont have names unless they have a feature which is easily recognisable...for example I used to have albino corys, which passed away, but one of them only had one eye so we called him Jack.
I tend to name mine aftert their colouration or pattern
eg... red platy ..flame
yellow platy..Honey
black platy...opal
if you catch my drift. x
I name my guppies......... I have a female called fire because of her red/deep orange tail.

Missy x.
I have that many fish I don't name them. I'd say the reason people name Bettas is because they're usually alone in a tank by themself, this ending in them getting a name.

It makes more sence than saying "did you feed that fish today?" when you could just say "did you feed barney?".

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