Hostility? From mods?
Im also wondering why you put aside the time to even find this stuff out blink.gif
Im also wondering why you put aside the time to even find this stuff out blink.gif
Because I felt like it geo, DId I need another reason bud? I'm just asking seriously. i'm not taking jabs at mods, I love the mods here above any other site i've seen in my 19 years of life. So take offense if you will. I felt like asking because I can, and I love this site, so deal with it
And I mean that it a serious but friendly and playful way!
just curious as to why someone would have nothing better to do. I have plenty of things to do thanks for your concern though geo. I simply noticed one mod hadn't been on for a year so I got curious. Curiousity can me a funny thing sometimes. Check that emotion out sometime.
My point was what socal mom was saying. Why are they still mods if they aren't here. WHat I'm saying is if they don't have the time then they maybe you should get more mods to take their place? Please don't get offended as people often do when I point things out like this and then they priceed to rip me apart for being non-understanding, believe me I understand time constraints etc.. Yes as a member I agree with you wolf, but a mod?? They were great mods I'm sure, but if your not on for almost a year at least once to check in, you shouldn't be a mod any more IMO. Again don't take offense, I was just thinking that this may be food for thought for william or the other mods.
Geo I don't know what your problem is but your a downright jerk on these forums. Every time I encouter you your trying to start a fight or make someone look bad. I'd appreciate if you don't reply to me or talk to me ever again. Thank you.