Hi JoBodude
Sure, you could do that. You don't even have to crush the flakes because they will soften enough for them to nibble at.
The reason I feed microworms is because live food has a high protien content which they need to grow. They are not expensive, and once you buy them, you can keep the culture going for as long as you want. The only thing you need to maintain them is cheap oatmeal and a little yeast. I think Joker might still sell them.
You can begin to give them algae wafers and chopped live or frozen, or broken up freeze dried worms as soon as they are big enough to eat them. They love them.
Sure, you could do that. You don't even have to crush the flakes because they will soften enough for them to nibble at.
The reason I feed microworms is because live food has a high protien content which they need to grow. They are not expensive, and once you buy them, you can keep the culture going for as long as you want. The only thing you need to maintain them is cheap oatmeal and a little yeast. I think Joker might still sell them.
You can begin to give them algae wafers and chopped live or frozen, or broken up freeze dried worms as soon as they are big enough to eat them. They love them.