Why do Sterbai Corydora's cost so much?

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Hi JoBodude :)

Sure, you could do that. :flex: You don't even have to crush the flakes because they will soften enough for them to nibble at.

The reason I feed microworms is because live food has a high protien content which they need to grow. They are not expensive, and once you buy them, you can keep the culture going for as long as you want. The only thing you need to maintain them is cheap oatmeal and a little yeast. I think Joker might still sell them.

You can begin to give them algae wafers and chopped live or frozen, or broken up freeze dried worms as soon as they are big enough to eat them. They love them. :D
wow cool something i DO have algea wafers! lol i will also get some shrimp and sinking pellets too just incase or sumthing.....wait, what about conditioning the adults again?
Hi JoBodude :)

Conditioning is done to promote the development of eggs in the female and to "build up." and strengthen both of them for spawning. The very best thing for this IMHO, is live blackworms, or tubifex, but some people use frozen bloodworms as well.

There will still be eggs without conditioning, if their normal diet is good, but probably not as many. You will want to begin with as many fry as possible, because not all of them will make it to adulthood. This is just nature's way and you should not be alarmed if you lose some despite your best efforts. This is why they have such large spawns.

If you were thinking about getting Wardley's Shrimp Pellets, you will probably want to know that I no longer us them for my fish. I used to, but some time ago they changed their formula to include a large amount of ground wheat which is not of any use to the corys. It would be better to spend your money on a quality flake such as Ocean Nutrition, or get freeze dried tubifex.

If you need to know how to clean and care for the live worms, let me know. :D
lol once again thanks soo much for this help!

oh i have had freeze dried bbs but they float dont they?
Hi JoBodude :)

Yes, and freeze dried tubifex worms do too. But once they become saturated with water they will sink.

If your hands are clean, don't hesitate to put it right down into the water and gently squeeze and rub the cube between your fingers until it softens and the worms and/or bbs separate. They will then gently sink to the bottom where the corys can eat them. If there are other fish in your tank, they will eat them while they are still floating. :D
phew! glad i got all those quesitons off my chest! lol thanks a lot and i will keep everyone updated with progress if there is any lol
LOL I just got a new Cory Cat and he is the exact same way. And he has a little love connection with the bubbles :wub: he goes up...and then he goes down....then he goes up...you get the point :D
This is clearest shot I got of him...for some reason ever shot that had him in it..he was blurry. Maybe he moved or something lol.


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