why do people like certain fish?

I :wub: Angelfish because they do recognize you. Mine even lets me pet her. Well one of them,

I :wub: Cichlids because they also have lots of personality. And theyre feisty.

I :wub: Rainbowfish because they are sooooo colourful, and active.
I love my platties because theyre orange, i forgot to say that at first, lol.
i love mollies.
they interact with me and i can tell when they get upset with me.
they cheer me up when i feel down by fighting each other to make me watch them.
and they come in a large size of colors and patterns.they even pick at your finger if they feel comfy in there new home.
why couldnt anyone like livebearers.they are nice like bettas or some cichlids.but it depends on the individuals.i love all fish but livebearers anr my number 1 choice
I like guppies because I recon they are beautiful and they make me feel really happey when I see them swimming around healthy ^__^
I love how they can give birth to live young, I love they're beatuiful colour and their friendly behaviours.
i really do love my sailfin pleco, i mean theres no messing with him when i drop in the algae wafer, the bloody goldfish will always try to eat his food but when plecy hasnt eaten for 2 days he is violent to the GF and rams them with his head its cool to watch when he flys around the tank i wish i could afford a stand to use my big tank thats cycling!!!
My favorites are Corydoras catfish because they are cute, friendly and funny, and Gouramis because they are so stately and elegant. :thumbs:
vantgE said:
Cichlids, personality, intelligence, activity(digging, playing, fighting(not dangerously)), and interaction. What's not to like about cichlids, you rarely notice them being mean if your tank is properly stocked
Agreed - you must make sure to not overstock, or understock, your tank if you want to properly enjoy your cichlids.

Also, they're not tacky! They're the only freshwater fish that are vibrant and colorful enough to enjoy from across a room. (Africans, in particular...I mean, take the color and markings of Demasoni, Electric Yellows, Red Zebras, Bumble Beees, Livingstoni...etc)
I hate livebearers and bettas. Alls bettas do is sit in a vase doing nothing. And alls that livebearers do is have fry every other weak and it takes them 1 and a half frickin months for them to get big enough to put in a tank. And then you either accidently siphon them up or they get sucked up in a filter.
Ahmad said:
But my all time Fav. Is Bala sharks....To be honest with you I dont really know why I like them so Much But I like the them most!!! -_- :D
i am the exact same way!!!! :cool:
KribFreak said:
I hate livebearers and bettas. Alls bettas do is sit in a vase doing nothing. And alls that livebearers do is have fry every other weak and it takes them 1 and a half frickin months for them to get big enough to put in a tank. And then you either accidently siphon them up or they get sucked up in a filter.
That's not true!!! Bettas are very active if place in the correct home, if you keep betta's in a small vase of course all they will do is stay in one stop looking bored... what else it there to do? You need a big enough tank for a betta to become happy swim around flare once in a while and build a bubblenest.
Livebearers don't only do that either!!! Sometimes you can just let nature take it's course and leave the fry in the main aquarium even though most of them get eaten sometimes if you have a heavily enough planted tank they will live. Livebeaers have wonderful behaviour patterns and I find my very rewarding to keep!

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