why do people like certain fish?

I like danios because they're so active and they have so much personality. I also like cories, for reasons unknown to me.
I could rave all day about common plecos they are the best fish EVER! They are beautiful and they are like a remnant of the prehistoric age. too bad they get too damn big for my tank! I now have a bristlenose which isnt half as impressive or beautiful. I think its the size I like. plus they have character and lots of it.

I love moonlight gouramis. Dont like bettas since mine died. My moonlight came up to the top and ate out of my sisters hand yesterday. it was so cute!

I like swordtails too but I have no time for platies or mollies. Dislike cichlids. Hate loaches as they are aggressive. (when adult) I also like Harlequin rasboras for their shape, colour, peaceful temparament and general personalities.
I like fish with personality....like my catfish, Dyson and Electra and their kids. Dyson can stare at me for ages. Electra on the other hand scuttles away as soon as I move near the tank.

My platies....they are colourful and talk to me :p and give me lots of pretty baby fish!!

Cichlids....they interact with me in a way the other fish don't...but te cichlids I have have to be pretty.....I don't like big ugly ones with horrible mouths

Clown Loaches...well, who couldn't love those little guys...they are the most awesome fish ever!!!!
vantgE said:
Cichlids, personality, intelligence, activity(digging, playing, fighting(not dangerously)), and interaction. What's not to like about cichlids, you rarely notice them being mean if your tank is properly stocked
Couldnt say it better myself. they are like humans in the water world, they call a part of there tank there home, and defend it if anyone tys to come into it. The way they fight and argue with others is the best to watch.
I adore Sailfin mollies, my male is so beautiful.He is silver with a blue specked tail which has black along the bottom edge, a line of blue speck through his body and organge running along his sailfin. He's so gorgeous!

I also want some dwarf honey gouramis, they are so pretty!
I like tetras because although a lot of them dont do much they are very colourful and there are so many different types that you can never collect them all. At the lfs there always seems to be different tetras turning up every now and then and I just gotta have em. At the minute its blue tetras and yellow phantom tetras and I gotta have em.
i love my hoplos, i find them just like corys, playfull and active but on a bigger scale.
if i could id set up a massive tank for them and just have them and angels...after all, just a bottom feeders tank looks bland (my 40 orig had just bottom feeders...)

i love my neon tetras also.. when they are in front of my greenery their colours look realy amazing.

id love to own more aggressive fish, but id have no idea where to start :blink:
mnie has definately got to be ...... you guessed it the Red tailed black shark, i simply love this fish, it has a strikign image, character and is alwasy active
Ahmad said:
I like Angelfish Because I find them elegant and They are Just Really pretty and so peacefull....They learn to recognize there owner and start to come up to the top of the tank when they see food in your hand. :D
Yes, and they do that cute wiggle, giggle dance at the top of the tank when they are hungry.

AND, I like them because they are NO angels! :D
I love my fish for the same reason i love fish and chips ;)

But my favourites are now my Upside Down Catfish. They are really cool!!!

I like the boring normal fish like koi and fantails.Fantails can be so cute sometimes especially if they have long pretty tails.I like koi cos they are really friendly and like to be stroked.
I'm a catfish girl myself - anything with a suckermouth or barbels makes me feel all squishy inside :lol:

I just find plecos and catfish so interesting - my cories are always out and about doing their bum-waggle dance when they're out to get food, the plecs come out quite a bit now as well and it's always a nice surprise to wake up with one stuck to the glass in front of you.

Gotta love kuhlii loaches too - those guys are such fun to watch! :lol: And bettas of course!!
i know alot of people like cichlids, but i cant stand them. To tackey and mean

If you have kept a cichlid pair raising fry and watched them gently herding them around the tank and spitting food out for them you would not think they were so mean! :D

I love the personality of cichlids, how they can be the same type of fish but so different!!


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