why do people like certain fish?


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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i know alot of people like cichlids, but i cant stand them. To tackey and mean. And i know some people like livebears or tetras because of color or what ever. So why do you guys and gals like the fish yall have?

I know I like my bettas because theyre nice, and CT's, and the color.
I really dont like my gouramis though, theyre kinda like a cheap betta imitation
but i do love the corries and platties and danios, because theyre just so nice and peacful, and never hurt anyone, well the danios are a bit nippy but thats ok,
I really dont like my gouramis though, theyre kinda like a cheap betta imitation


If anything Bettas are a cheap imitation of Gouramis!!! I like my gouramis becuase they interact with their owners :)

I like danios (who would ever have guessed that :rofl: ) because they are active and always entertaining & they have great personallities. small fish are constantly on the move, where as (IME) big fish just sit there and look at you. Creepy -_- :unsure:
not unless you put the big fish in a large enough tank were it can move around.. then they are more active/responsive then any smaller fish
I am not attracted to neon fish and colorful fish. Hence the albino corys and the ghost srimp. They are unique.

When I bought the betta I thought he would be alone in a 2 gallon, but then I decided to expand. He's the most colorful thing in there which is fine with me.
I like Angelfish Because I find them elegant and They are Just Really pretty and so peacefull....They learn to recognize there owner and start to come up to the top of the tank when they see food in your hand. :D

I also Like Tiger barbs Because there active and very bright and when they school they look amazing. :cool:

Danios too.....Very active and attractive :p

I LOVE gouramis (Blue Gouramis) They are just the best...smart, pretty, and gentle! :D

But my all time Fav. Is Bala sharks....To be honest with you I dont really know why I like them so Much But I like the them most!!! -_- :D
as long as it is a very easy to take care of fish i like it. doesnt matter what kind it really is.
For the same reason that you like certain people. :)

Some for their looks.
Some for their personality.
Some for their utility (i.e. because they're useful).

And usually a mixture of two or three of those.
I like my fish (bichirs) simply because they are not commonly seen ,ilike the rarity factor and besides they are totaly kewl fish -Anne
Cichlids, personality, intelligence, activity(digging, playing, fighting(not dangerously)), and interaction. What's not to like about cichlids, you rarely notice them being mean if your tank is properly stocked
i like clownfish because he will follow my finger (or pencil) whe its feeding time, also he is so photogenic... (im just to lazy to take the photos :lol: )
I'm very selective about the fish I keep. I like to have those that aren't too common.
Bettas because they're wicked and beautiful.

Frontosa because they're slow moving, large and they interact with each other in an amazing fashion.

Loaches because they're quite humorous and they enjoy each other.

I like fish because there are so many to choose from and because there's a fish for everybody :)
I like out of the ordinary, (which means no angels, livebearers, or some gouramis)
Fish I have and like
African knife fish
African butterfly fish
Badis badis
Purple spotted gudgeon
^^^^^^^^^ I can pretty much accept even the ugliest of fish as beautiful :lol:
Why I don't have live bearers, and I don't like them
I like cichlids (except angels and parrots), just because I have always had them around me, my whole life, and, they aren't livebearers :p
Catfish are cool, and although I regret it, tetras and danios are ok, they liven up the tank :thumbs: I can see we all have different tastes in fish, and that's good! :D
I like fish that are a bit different and not commonly seen in peoples tanks, i think the only common fish i have are my oscar and silver dollars and even they are not every day community fish. I also tend to preffer the more predatory fish as i find them more intersting to watch at feeding time and like the challenge of getting them off of live foods and onto frozen alternatives.

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