Fish Crazy
Does she know they have a lifespan of about 30 years? Did the pet store tell anyone that? Could she handle keeping one that long? From what you describe of her attitude to their care, forgive me but I find that unlikely.
To be fair to her, she's an extremely responsible pet owner (grew up on a farm, has had pets as a kid, keeps rabbits, etc) but people keep telling her that fishes only grow to the size of the tank. The snag is, these people are folks who probably don't know any better and can only go on their experience (My Dad is the same: every time my Mum asks how things are going with the water changes, he goes NUTS at me. But when he kept fish, folks never changed the water! It's just the old-fashioned way of doing things!) I keep relaying snippets of info from here, but she's (so far...) choosing to listen what other folks tell her. My plan is to take her to a LFS to get a good-sized Biorb and get the shop owner to fill her in on the info... (I may even be a bit sneaky and phone 'em in advance...)
And no, the fish shop didn't tell the guy who bought them for her how long they live or how big they get, but yes, she's very aware that the lil' dudes are a commitment and that's something I KNOW she'll rise to for however long they live.
She's very much an animal lover, but I cannot seem to get the whole "they only grow to the size of the tank" thing replaced by "They'll only grow to the size of the tank, but this causes extreme stress and will greatly reduce their lifespan."
But... I'm workin' on it!!