So..Why do a lot of people on this forum hate goldfish? I mean have such negative opinions about them...
I noticed that whenever I am on a fish forum, people just think goldfish are crap machines, feeder fish and thats it... Why is that?
I mean goldfish produce just as much waste per bodyweight than any other fish...And you see Oscars and plecos are really messy fish and so are a lot of others but they don't get that negative tone when speaking of them...
And yeah, they grow big, but so do a lot of fish that are sold as pets to people who don't really have the means to keep them...
And as for being common... guppies, mollies, neons, angelfish...are all very common but they are not treated like #### (well most of the time anyway)
So people, what is it about goldfish that bothers you so much? and don't tell me because they are inbred - I am not just talking about fancys but also about commons and comets.
And why are kois great and goldfish suck?
OK, just to explain. No, I don't have a goldfish and no I am not trying to be provocative (well maybe just a tiny bit

), I just am really curious about that...
Hm, yes and i do like goldies (maybe you have guessed by now ).