Why do people buy fish

There are simple solutions here..

If you buy a Fish that will outgrow your tank, START SAVING FOR A NEW TANK!

If you buy a fish without researching it first ITS YOUR OWN FAULT and don't expect to be able to take it back for a refund, if you make a mistake its your problem and if you need to take it back you should give it to the fish shop for FREE or swap for another fish maybe.

People putting fish into tanks too soon is always going to happen and I know i've had to do it, but As long as you keep the tanks clean and don't add loads of fish within the first couple of weeks you should be fine. I have bought in total nearly 35 fish and I have only lost 2, one got ill (black platy) and the other got eaten (small neon tetra). So it's not hard to get it right if you aren't afraid to ask questions and look like an idiot first :)

Don't get frustrated guys, there are always going to be people in every area of the pet keeping world that don't know what they are doing and it's our job to help them or to halt them. Feel good knowing that you might save a life rather than feeling pissed off about it!

Good thing I posted about the bad fish happen thing:

I brought home a beautiful little girl Betta yesterday, and she has a bubble in her swim bladder. I've tried the home remedies, and its looking to be chronic (Of course non contagious, so) so I'll have to take her back so Mark can try seeing if live food will perk her up -- if not, she'll have to be euthanized, probably. :(

My poor girl floats helplessly at the top of her tank because of it, and its so sad. Shes so spunky and fiery, but she can't swim down. So Marks going to exchange her, try what he can to help her recover, and if not.. eh. Shes beautiful, though. So very very pretty. :(

:-( :-( :-(
bunjiweb said:
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...If you buy a Fish that will outgrow your tank, START SAVING FOR A NEW TANK!...
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Nod Bunji. I was lucky enough to find a LFS that was willing to help me out and start with a fresh set of fish. Newbie choices led me to a tank full of Tetras, Mollies and Guppies - which didn't do it for me. :( I brought in everything (the hardest to part with were my cories...) and he gave me a pretty nice credit for everything I had. Which allowed me to start fresh and choose fish that I never even knew about when I started out.

I opted for African Cichlids. I walked out with 3 and an Eel. I still have my Pleco too. The Cichlids are babies still, so the small footprint isn't too much of a bothersome, but I am pricing out 55 Gallons and do plan to buy one within the next few months. Even bought half of what will be the new filter system last night. :) It's dual purpose, I can use it now and on the new tank! :D

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