i know what u mean, any1 can make a website and usualy they just put a short description of what they think is best for the fish, i really on the post i get here, even some lfs guy who "thinks" his an awesome breader, btw his like 65 or something
told me a betta fry could eat crushed bloodworm, denying this to him he still told me they could and he did it, well anyway i posted here to make sure, and sure enough he was wrong
anyway i ring the boss up of the fish shop, now this guy is like an expert, he told me everything i need and tommorow im gonna pick it up
now wat i hate is when i see a post saying:
my betta spawned 4 days ago when will he lay the eggs
now wat i hate is when i see a post saying:
my betta spawned 4 days ago when will he lay the eggs