I am new to the forum and need some advice. I have 2 - 10 gallon tanks that I purchased this spring from PETCO. Both have Aqueon filters which have kept the water crystal clear up until recently.
First tank: has 5 small Tetras, 1 small male Platy, and 1 Algae eater. My bottom feeder guy was dead this morning. He normally sat at the bottom, but yesterday was midway up in the tank, swimming in place. I knew something was wrong. Very odd that he was *swimming*, yet, in place.
This was also the tank that clouded up first, about 2 weeks ago.
Second tank: 2 Adult female platys, 1 juvenile female platy and an algae eater.
This tank started clouding up about a week after the other tank. I've also observed my female Platy swimming in place, occasionally.
The only thing I've done differently in the past month or so, was to purchase Algae eaters.
Ammonia levels are fine. I do water changes as instructed. Throw in a bit of Aquarium salt.
Looking very closely, the cloudiness appears to look like very, very fine white granules floating in the water. Almost microscopic. One of my Platys had a bit of Ick, which I treated with Coppersafe well over a month ago. Also treated the other tank as a precaution and have done 25 percent water change since.
Could the new Algae eaters be ruining the natural Bacteria Both tanks were crystal clear. Edited to add: The Tetras have looked thinner lately.
Thank you for any advice.... I'm at a loss. Or something simple as needing new filters?
I am new to the forum and need some advice. I have 2 - 10 gallon tanks that I purchased this spring from PETCO. Both have Aqueon filters which have kept the water crystal clear up until recently.
First tank: has 5 small Tetras, 1 small male Platy, and 1 Algae eater. My bottom feeder guy was dead this morning. He normally sat at the bottom, but yesterday was midway up in the tank, swimming in place. I knew something was wrong. Very odd that he was *swimming*, yet, in place.
This was also the tank that clouded up first, about 2 weeks ago.
Second tank: 2 Adult female platys, 1 juvenile female platy and an algae eater.
This tank started clouding up about a week after the other tank. I've also observed my female Platy swimming in place, occasionally.
The only thing I've done differently in the past month or so, was to purchase Algae eaters.
Ammonia levels are fine. I do water changes as instructed. Throw in a bit of Aquarium salt.
Looking very closely, the cloudiness appears to look like very, very fine white granules floating in the water. Almost microscopic. One of my Platys had a bit of Ick, which I treated with Coppersafe well over a month ago. Also treated the other tank as a precaution and have done 25 percent water change since.
Could the new Algae eaters be ruining the natural Bacteria Both tanks were crystal clear. Edited to add: The Tetras have looked thinner lately.
Thank you for any advice.... I'm at a loss. Or something simple as needing new filters?