Why Are The 'clubs' Being Closed?

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lmao there is an oddball club?
Maybe if it was for some extremely rare fish, like arapaima club or something.I wouldn't mind that.
*whips out the popcorn and takes a seat by shelagh while we sit back and wait*

*also dishes out sleeping bags cause i think we'll be waiting a long time*
The first couple were opened for the right reasons though, people wanted to bring together everyones experiences with certain types of fish.

To me it seems like people are now very quickly jumping on the bandwagon...which might be ok now. But very quickly you end up with clubs for some obscure species of fish that died out in the stonage just so the person who opened it can say they were 'number 1'.

Then when the craze passes you're left with loads of useless topics that aren't going to help anyone. And technically if one club gets pinned then they should ALL be pinned in the interests of fairness. But imagine that! :crazy: you'd end up burning your mouse wheel out just trying to get to the first new topic.

So long as they've got there own section it doesn't bother me one bit.
I think they definately shouldn't have closed the severum and oscar clubs as those two were the most respectable clubs, and the talk on there was never off topic.
im just miffed they were closed without warning. ok maybe the mods are thinking up ideas to make a club section, or thinking up 'rules' and guidelines for clubs...but why close them while you think? it doesnt make sense....
Is the issue to do with off-topic chat?
There's plenty of light hearted off topic chat in 'tropical chat' as they're usually such general threads.
Then again I haven't bothered to sift through any of the banter in them :lol:
Is the issue to do with off-topic chat?
There's plenty of light hearted off topic chat in 'tropical chat' as they're usually such general threads.
Then again I haven't bothered to sift through any of the banter in them :lol:

no idea as to the reason cheesy, thats what im hoping they'll come and tell us. :(
Guess no one's going to know until a mod comes along and enlightens us...

Does seem an odd way round to do it...but hey. Perhaps it's to discourage people from creating more until a decision has been made?

Edit : Maybe it's because they can't leave open existing clubs and just close new ones as again it's be 'unfair'. So they've just closed all the existing ones temporarily, which then means they can instantly close new ones that pop up without people moaning about it being unfair... Just an idea.
i feel that having the clubs is a good thing,
it shows to people that there are a certain amount of people who share a great knowledge with different fish species,
i got to admit, if i was to put a post out asking a question about livebearers, then i got a response from somebody who is part of the livebearers club, i would trust their advice more than i would anybody who seems to not no as much.
can anybody see where im coming from with this?

also it is a good thing that things dont go too far, if there is a catfish club, there doesnt need to be a pleco, corydora, and other catfish club, because the people in the catfish club have all of this knowledge also,
same goes with any other club then there will never be an ''outbreak'' of clubs?
im going to be completely bias here, but for a genuine reason!
i think clubs like the channa club is useful as there is only a small selection of people know anything about them so its easy to go there and the chances are higher of getting a decent answer to any question, i think ones like livebearers and catfish and so on are a load of rubbish as its easy to gather information on fish like this without the use of a 'club'
this is just my opinion mind, but i agree it should be put through the mods first so as not to cause disagreements on wether they should be there or not.
to my understanding, there is a catfish section, so no 'club' needed, there is a live bearer section, so no 'club' needed, there is a new world cichlid section, so no 'oscar club' needed.
when you go into 'oddball' and 'predatory' fish, this is less specific, but instead of a 'club' i think it would be easier for the mods just to create and open sub-forums more specific to the species becoming more popular, like snakeheads, arowana etc.

just my few thoughts!
also it is a good thing that things dont go too far, if there is a catfish club, there doesnt need to be a pleco, corydora, and other catfish club, because the people in the catfish club have all of this knowledge also,
same goes with any other club then there will never be an ''outbreak'' of clubs?

lol, slightly hypocritical. out of all the so called 'clubs' the live bearer one is least useful, anyone with any knowledge of fish at all knows all about most livebearers, plus there is a section dedicated to them already!

the way i see it is just scrap all the clubs! if people arent entirely happy with what is here then why be here at all? or just simply just ask a mod about it.
have to disagree about the oscar club being useless/not needed, it was/is very imformative and show perspective oscar owners that taking in an oscar was not something to be taken lightly! but do like you idea on the 'sub forums' for particular species :good:
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