Why Are Shrimp Dying In My Tank?


Sep 17, 2006
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Pittsburgh, PA
Over the past few days, I've had an unusually large number of shrimp casualties in my main planted tank. I've seen three dead cherry shrimp and one dead pearl shrimp. In all cases but one I saw the deaths almost immediately. There seemed to be nothing wrong with them (didn't look maimed in any way - had all their limbs and such). They just were keeled over. So I don't think they've been attacked by anything.

Tank readings for ammonia/nitrite/nitrate are fine of course. No fish seem ill.

I am wondering if the fertilizer I added was an issue. I had been having bad plant growth, and my LFS "plant guy" suggested adding additional flourish. So I added two capfuls (to a 40-gallon tank), and then around a week later added another capful. I know it contains a microscopic amount of copper sulfate, but I wouldn't think this dose would be enough to cause an issue. But if it's not that, then frankly I'm scratching my head.
Well, it's hard to say exactly why they're dying, have you done any actual tests for ammonia and nitrate? or are you just basing it on the fact that none of your fill seem ill... Some fish are more resiliant than others, and therefore won't show signs of the ammonia or nitrates being high in the tank. I recommend TESTING the water before doing this. Also, are you sure the shrimp are dead, and haven't just molted their exoskeleton? For my Skunk cleaner (saltwater) I read that it's recommended to have some kind of Calcium booster for when the shirmp sheds it exoskeleton, this helps it grow back faster, it may not have been a calcium product actualy, I really can't remember for the life of me. Try research additives to make shrimp thrive and hopfully you'll find something :good:
Well, it's hard to say exactly why they're dying, have you done any actual tests for ammonia and nitrate? or are you just basing it on the fact that none of your fill seem ill.

Umm...wouldn't saying "tank readings are fine" indicate I did tests? I'm not a 12 year old here!

As for the molts, I know the difference between them. I've been keeping and breeding shrimp for the better part of a year. The females died with visable ovaries inside them. And I could see the guts on the pearl shrimp.
You haven't added any new plants to your tank lately, have you? Another thought -- does your tank contain any kinds of anubias?

I just recently added a dark geen cabomda species to the tank, along with some new dwarf sag.

I have a really small anubias in one corner of the tank, but it's been there forever. Why would this be an issue?
Sounds like the ferts are to blame, some people swear that it doesnt effect their shrimp and others say they cark it after adding ferts.
I have anubias and use flourish and my amanos are fine but i know they are more robust than other shrimp.

Maybe one of the other plants has caused it or maybe your tap water has elevated copper recently?
If you've been keeping and breeding them a while and this just recently happened after upping the dosage of the ferts, it seems pretty obvious to me. I've read conflicting articles about fertilizers and shrimp so it's probably best not to OD the ferts in the water column and maybe use a fertilizer tab under the plant.
Well, I bought a copper test and used it (after a 30% water change) and there is zero copper.

Also, my LFS told me they use a cap full of flourish a day in their planted tanks and they never have issues with shrimp death, so I'm back to square one.

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