Over the past few days, I've had an unusually large number of shrimp casualties in my main planted tank. I've seen three dead cherry shrimp and one dead pearl shrimp. In all cases but one I saw the deaths almost immediately. There seemed to be nothing wrong with them (didn't look maimed in any way - had all their limbs and such). They just were keeled over. So I don't think they've been attacked by anything.
Tank readings for ammonia/nitrite/nitrate are fine of course. No fish seem ill.
I am wondering if the fertilizer I added was an issue. I had been having bad plant growth, and my LFS "plant guy" suggested adding additional flourish. So I added two capfuls (to a 40-gallon tank), and then around a week later added another capful. I know it contains a microscopic amount of copper sulfate, but I wouldn't think this dose would be enough to cause an issue. But if it's not that, then frankly I'm scratching my head.
Tank readings for ammonia/nitrite/nitrate are fine of course. No fish seem ill.
I am wondering if the fertilizer I added was an issue. I had been having bad plant growth, and my LFS "plant guy" suggested adding additional flourish. So I added two capfuls (to a 40-gallon tank), and then around a week later added another capful. I know it contains a microscopic amount of copper sulfate, but I wouldn't think this dose would be enough to cause an issue. But if it's not that, then frankly I'm scratching my head.