WHY are my fish all dead??

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Apr 12, 2003
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All my fish are still dying.. i checked at the levels.. of the amonina, nitrate.. ph was a little high... but everything else was just right... I'm noticing that the fish that are alive.. are developing.. and a white cloudy film from thier gills... it makes them look like they have a beard. what the heck that that caused from??
I'm sorry to hear that you are having problems

The growth you describe MAY be fungal. If it is, this should pass in time without needing treatment, as the fishes immune system should be sufficient.

It doesn't sound like Ich, which appears almost like grains of salt on the fishes body, but maybe the moderators or other experienced forumers would like to add here, as I myself am still not all that experienced.

When was the last time you did a water change. It might be wise to do so at this moment

How big is your tank and how well stocked is it? It could be an oxygen deficiency in the water. If this is the case, your normal test kit wouldn't test for it. You may consider purchasing a pump with air stone to oxygenate the water. If funds won't stretch this far at the moment. you can buy oxygenating tablets from pet shops which will perform the same function for a shorter period of time.

Sgtbirch is correct. Your fish has mouth fungus, otherwise known as Columnaris. It is contagious and fatal, unless caught early enough to administer the appropriate medications. Even tho it is known as "mouth fungus", it is only known as that because of its appearance ... when in fact it is instead a bacterial infection, caused by Flexibacter columnaris, and can only be treated with the appropriate antibiotics. Antifungals and fungicides will be rendered useless against this infection and may even further suppress the fish's disease resistance.

In order to save your fish, you must act quickly, because fish can succumb to this infection within just a few days' time.

Please note that Columnaris/mouth fungus is most often caused by poor water quality and inadequate nutrition, two factors that you may want to examine in order to avoid future infections !
Sindywindy and sgtbirch are both right in there diagnosis it does sound like mouth fungus and it spreads rapidly through the tank,

I unfortunely had the same problem and i lost 50% of my stock to it (mainly guppies), i couldn't really do much but just kept changing the water (as the quality of water had slipped slightly :*) ) added salt to my aquarium i tried every treatment under the sun but nothing could save them,

Have they stopped feeding? do there lips look stiff and don't move at all (take a closer look to see if the mouth moves at all)

All i could i suggest is water changes to improve water quality.

What are you water parametre readings?
from what i know the air pump will not oxygenate the water, the bubbles go too fast in the water. Its the disturbance of the water surface that puts back some of the oxygen in the water along with plants. Thats why u need a very small co2 bubble inthe water for plants or a bubble counter to it dissolve. Hope you sort out your problem soon!

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