Who knows about Slate???


Fish Herder
May 7, 2004
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I have a bit of slate I want to put in my tank, only problem is that it looks quite brown in places. Almost like it's rusty. I've given it a really good scrub, and it's still there. It looks really nice, but I'm just concerned that the "rust" might be just that: some kind of metal that would end up dissolving in the tank and killing my fish. Anyone know if this is possible?
rvm said:
I have a bit of slate I want to put in my tank, only problem is that it looks quite brown in places. Almost like it's rusty. I've given it a really good scrub, and it's still there. It looks really nice, but I'm just concerned that the "rust" might be just that: some kind of metal that would end up dissolving in the tank and killing my fish. Anyone know if this is possible?
IME this small amount of iron won't do any harm in your tank.
I have 10kg of slate and have had no problems. I also have a large pebble approx 5" in diameter that has two veins of iron in it, with no problems.
Excellent, I'll put it in and see how it goes. Thanks
I had some slate that had that brownish stuff on it, it must just be a slate thing :D I scrubbed it well and put it in my tank and there were no ill-effects as far as I know...
As far as i know slate is inert and will not harm your water parameters or fish, i have several large pieces of slate making up a rock face in one of my tanks and have seen no changes to the pH or hardness and have had no problems with the fish.
Yeah, I agree with everyone here. I have three pieces of slate forming a 'tent-like' cave in my 25 gallon and it had some of that brown stuff on it and I've never had a problem with any of my fish or the water parameters. And seeing as how the slate is practically the only place my plec hangs out, I'd guess I'd have been seeing some problems by now. ;)

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