white spots on fins? coloration or a problem ??


New Member
Jan 4, 2020
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Hi! i got a betta fish named Iggy about two weeks ago and hes really warmed up to his new life. he doesnt hide much anymore and hes always flittering about and he also made a bubble nest ! sadly no ladies around, poor guy. But anyways, i noticed the ends of his tail are quite white and im wondering if this is a problem ?? im not sure if they were like that when i first got him but i think its gotten more white recently.

in the first image you can see the top of his fin folded over his body, some of his little spikes are floppy and folded and twisted. im not sure why but yeah. in the second you can see the white tips of his fins. and in the last image you can see a bit of his bubble nest and his proud father face haha
May be stress related they can change color or get what is called stress stripes. The new environment can cause this until he gets use to it. How big is his tank? Is he alone?
May be stress related they can change color or get what is called stress stripes. The new environment can cause this until he gets use to it. How big is his tank? Is he alone?
its a two gallon tank and yes hes alone, the only living thing in his tank is a marimo moss ball
marimo moss balls are good, I kept my Betta in a 5 gallon tank, more room and freedom to swim. Does he have hiding places that also helps. How often do you do water changes and how much?
marimo moss balls are good, I kept my Betta in a 5 gallon tank, more room and freedom to swim. Does he have hiding places that also helps. How often do you do water changes and how much?
yeah i know two gallons is a bit small but he doesnt really ever go down to the bottom of his tank, ive got a house for him and a big plant for him to sleep and hide in but hes only been in the house once. and so far ive only changed his water twice, once i did all the water and the second time i did about half of it. those were about a week apart. im not sure when i should change his water and how much because its still very clear. its tinted brown because i use indian almond leaves to soften the water but not cloudy
The nitrogen cycle is basically: the fish produces waste along with any uneaten food in the tank which breaks down and forms ammonia which is deadly to fish. Bacteria forms in your tank that eats the ammonia and it's byproducts nitrate and nitrite which also can be harmful to fish. You moss ball will absorb some but you are going to have to do daily water changes of 50% or more until the bacteria forms enough to counter the ammonia. Look into getting tetra safestart plus it has the bacteria your tank needs
The nitrogen cycle is basically: the fish produces waste along with any uneaten food in the tank which breaks down and forms ammonia which is deadly to fish. Bacteria forms in your tank that eats the ammonia and it's byproducts nitrate and nitrite which also can be harmful to fish. You moss ball will absorb some but you are going to have to do daily water changes of 50% or more until the bacteria forms enough to counter the ammonia. Look into getting tetra safestart plus it has the bacteria your tank needs
oh okay, ill probably change his water after im done with my homework
In you case since you have the fish in the tank get the tetra safestart and follow the direction, until then do the water changes daily. Have you added water conditioner for the chlorine?
In you case since you have the fish in the tank get the tetra safestart and follow the direction, until then do the water changes daily. Have you added water conditioner for the chlorine?
Yes, his water is all fine. His ammonia levels was p high so I changed his water and he seems fine. Hopefully the spots will go away. I use a water conditioner, bacteria supplement, and stress coat for him. I just hope I'm not doing something horribly wrong lol

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