You get a q-tank...doesn't have to be anything expensive, nor does it have to have all sorts of equipment. Perhaps a 10 gallon tank with a decoration that will provide a hiding place or two, and a HOB filter. If you like, you can 'clone' the q-tank by adding some pieces of LR rubble to the filter, but if you are going to be using copper, it is my understanding that will deplete the beneficial bacteria so you would #1, be 'wasting' live rock rubble and #2, doing enough water changes that the tank doesn't really have to be cycled. Don't be fooled, it is a pain in the butt, but that is when prevention becomes the best 'cure'.
Corals and inverts don't do well under hypo salinity treatments as far as I have heard/read (never performed one...intentionally)
From my experience with Ich, which is relatively recent, it may not become fatal as quickly as FW Ich, so you have some time to react (although, faster is better obviously). Additionally, as I think someone else already mentioned, the secondary effects of an Ich 'infestation' can be the larger problem which gives more credence to the q-tank idea because then you can use antibiotics and such with less repercussions to everything in your tank.
IME with Marine Ich, it is much harder to completely eradicate from a tank (versus FW ich) and so treating an entire tank is not always suggested even though it is 'contagious', and of course, not an option when corals and other more sensitive livestock is present. Although, I have used a product called "Ich Attack" in my reef tank and it actually seemed to help out quite a bit with the fish which had only a few white spots and are a bit more resilient to it...meaning I only had to quarantine my tang; which died from another cause.
I dont really have one and to be fair I dont think I will buy one
And perhaps you missed that Pengy666, UV is not a treatment, it is more of a prevention 'tool'. If you haven't had one, how can you have an opinion on how effective they are?
Imho UV doesnt have that great effect, It may help but not CURE it?
In my experience there isnt much yo can do! feed well dont stress fish and keep params good!
and maybe a UV Filter!
I am sure I am just missing the 'gist' of what you are trying to say here...but could you explain what you mean by basically saying "UV is not effective, but get a UV filter"? I just thought it seemed a bit contradictory.