Update - NO fatalities which is good, and they generally seem active. But I still have spots
Most individuals have no spots, or a only a couple which I think is an improvement, but its so hard to keep track of them and work out if you've seen them all. One individual who has no spots is still noticeably flashing though which doesn't bode well, and one guy has more spots than he's had since I've got them, he's covered. This isn't looking good.
Interestingly while browsing forums for ich treatment options, instead of working on my masters research project, someone said that it's been shown that ich has symbiotic bacteria. I haven't looked into the literature yet so not saying this is correct but if it is it would possibly explain the antiseptic in eSHa exit and why it helps - or is supposed to
Not really sure what else I can do, the tank temperature is now up at 32C which apparently should be enough in itself to kill off ich all by itself, I'm not being convinced by this. But the loaches didn't seem at all bothered by the increased temperatures so there didn't seem to be any harm in doing so. One loach appeared to be gasping at the surface this morning but given it's one out of 7 I'm inclined to think this may just be something it's decided it likes doing. Maybe this is naive of me, and I'm monitoring them closely.
Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong, or right. They all still have a strong feeding response and if I put some food into the tank it's a sure way to get all 7 of them out into the open.