White Spot & Finrot

No water stats yet but did manage to borrow some WS3, seems strong and have put 10 drops in my 96 litre(48"x8.5"x14") tank which is half the dose (for around 45 litres i believe).

So i guess now i wait? or use full dose with babies???

Does this green dye things and i assume it wont damage my bacteria/filter?

I also have fungus/finrot and internal bacteria now but dont think i can mix them?
Why can't i mix them, is this just been "parroted" on throughout communitys or is there actual science behind not mixing these? If so whats the reason, im very curious.

Its been my experience that advice is often justpassed on without question leading to many myths in other forums.

You can't always mix meds.
Some brands of bacterial meds have whitespot ingredients in them.

I would treat the whitespot first.
Also finrot common on top of whitespot. The whitespot med can help heal fins sometimes.
You can't always mix meds.
Some brands of bacterial meds have whitespot ingredients in them.

I would treat the whitespot first.
Also finrot common on top of whitespot. The whitespot med can help heal fins sometimes.

Ok thanks i've added 10 drops of it to the tank (20 would be full dose i believe).
1 drop treats 4.5 Litres, 96 litre tank.

Fish seem happy, ill repeat treatment and see what happens.

Getting depressing losing the babies, i've isolated 1 well looking fish but the other 4(remaining) look to have tail problems(clumped point tail fins, hindering their swimming).

Pleco and other fish all look well, although the Pleco has long poop filled with air bubbles. It resembled "spider web" like stringyness.
If you are in the uk you will need this med after the whitespot med course is up.
You have run some black carbon and water change before adding the med.

How many gallons or lites is your tank.
Do you have water stats please.

Whats this medication for, not familar with science names.

I have whitespot(WS3) , internal bacteria, and finrot/fungus by Interpet.
The sera med for internal parasites, camallanous worms.



When the fish is stationary, deep red worms can be seen protruding from the anal pore. They are only visible when the fish is still because the worms retreat into the intestine at the fish’s slightest movement. Other signs may include an inflamed and enlarged anus. In severe infestations, the fish may become emaciated and spinal curvature may also occur.


The parasitic worms Camallanus Cotti and Camallanus lacustris. These small, livebearing parasitic worms attach to the intestinal walls and rectum with pinchers. The worm’s grip is so tight that any attempts to remove it forcibly will rip away tissue from the intestinal wall. The worm’s pinching causes ischemia (reduced blood flow) to that part of the intestine. In time, the tissue to that part of the intestine will die, at which time the worm will migrate to another part of the intestine. This causes perforations throughout the intestine, which allows other pathogens to gain entry. If the fish is not treated, either the parasite or bacterial will kill the fish. Camallanus infestations occur most often in livebearing fish such as Guppies and Mollies, though infection is possible in all fish. Camallanus infestations are contagious. All fish, including those not yet showing visible symptoms, as well as the aquarium, should be treated.


Treat with Internal Parasite Guard, Pipzine, Disco-Worm, Trichlorfon or Fluke-Tabs as well as a medicated food to prevent a bacterial infection.
It sounds like you just have poor water quaility. The guppy female that is big with no gravite spot sounds like she has dropsy! clean the tank more! I'm having the same problem every since one of my LFS sold me some feeder guppies, for my needle nose gare, they had ick and fin and tail rot it ruined my whole tank and have been battleing it ever since. I have used salt it is a good way but it takes a while and if you dont have a very established tank they can die but i am a firm believer in the salt cure

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