White Opaque Super Delta


Cheer up, the worst is yet to come. ~ P. Johnson
Jul 31, 2004
Reaction score
The Netherlands/UK
Unfortunatly, my boyfriend is completely against bettas and we're inbetween countries so I really can't affort to get myself another fish, but I have to say this is the first time I've actually been tempted to get a betta.

Look at this:

Isn't that just absolutely gorgeous? The thing that really bothers me is that it's only €8.50! (That will be £5.79 or $10.29) *sigh*

Best leave it I know, but it's definatly worth drooling over :)
He is beautiful. Where is he I wish I lived there for once. I sure would bring that betta home with me..
Unfortunatly he lives in the Netherlands, so quite a bit away from you I'm afraid :) We're also really strict when it comes to shipping fish, I do believe you actually need a bloody license to ship them. Shame, because he really is worth drooling over.
No, he's for sale on the internet. The seller sells other types of bettas as well ... all quite lovely I might add, and all going for the same price. Let me drag out the other pics as well ;)

Cambodian butterfly(Brown/White) (x2)

Chocolate superdelta betta (x3)

Gold superdelta betta

The opaque betta she's got 4 of in total. I can only imagine she's a breeder or so.
Wow, the opaque is gorgeous :wub:
I'd be careful of the others though... that gold doesn't look like any "superdelta" I've ever seen, more like a veil :huh:
I've seen the picture of that opaque before.... I think someone on here had it as their avatar? :huh: I'd ask for more pictures of the fish to make sure that's what your getting, especially when they seem to be selling veils as superdeltas :S
O wow! Thats the nicest betta...You should breed her...Really pretty babies!

arrowhead, you see all those long and lovely fins on those bettas? that means not a single one of them is female. ;) only males can have those really long fins; all females have very short fins.
Wow, the opaque is gorgeous :wub:
I'd be careful of the others though... that gold doesn't look like any "superdelta" I've ever seen, more like a veil :huh:

I knew there was something "fishy" about the gold one...LOL...really corny joke I know... :lol:
I'd just like to add a bit of info I discovered from Kelly (wuv).

The opaques actually have a liver (I believe it was she said) disorder, which causes the "opaque-ness", it's actually a condition called Gout.

I wouldn't buy it just for that reason...breeding fish for a certain trait, even though it renders them with a genetic disorder just doesn't sit well with me. I had one and it died early on for no apparant reason...I do believe it was from this disorder..as the fish was never truly active and never acted "just right" from the get-go.

I also think the other 3 fish posted are all VTs. Not sure if they are being advertised that way, but they all look like VTs to me (not great pics, so it's hard to really tell on the 1st one, but I'm definately sure on the last 2), and that Cambodian looks red, not brown.

All are still very pretty...and if asking a fair price for them..I'd say go with the cambodian..he's really pretty.
Oh, wow. I never knew that about opaques before :no: And I was actually planning on starting an opaque line in the next year or two . . . I'm so glad I read that before I did. I'd hate to be passing that on to fry- gah, that's awful :(
Another problem with opaques is that almost all of them eventually go blind, providing they live long enough. The opaque coating eventually covers their eyes.
O wow! Thats the nicest betta...You should breed her...Really pretty babies!

arrowhead, you see all those long and lovely fins on those bettas? that means not a single one of them is female. ;) only males can have those really long fins; all females have very short fins.

Its all clear to me now! :hyper: ... Thanks for the input...Its really appreciated. :nod:
Another problem with opaques is that almost all of them eventually go blind, providing they live long enough. The opaque coating eventually covers their eyes.

Oh wow :sad: Now it seems almost cruel to breed them at all. Gah, thank you both. That's one road I definitely won't go down :no: It was originally my long term plan to work with two lines- copper and opaque (separate, obviously!) but now I just can't bring myself to do that to any of them :(

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