Fish Fanatic
nel5on: thats a gorgeous fish in your profile pic. What is it?
Looks like a pearl gourami to me available at most LFS
Its a Firemouth cichlid, one of the best ive ever seen if i do say so myself!
The betta is in a tank with some ottos and some shrimp, they're not bothering him at all so im thinking hes jsut settling
Oh i want badly a pair of the cichlids to breed with. But we are moving house in 3mths so im waiting till we move to boost my cichlid tankhes gorgeous
Have you looked on for a girl?
WE have 1.2 Firemouths in the 566ltr tank, but we're looking into getting another adult pair, just need to find some nice ones in the UK
We are looking for some female super delta betta's