New Super Delta

nel5on: thats a gorgeous fish in your profile pic. What is it?

Looks like a pearl gourami to me available at most LFS

Its a Firemouth cichlid, one of the best ive ever seen if i do say so myself!

The betta is in a tank with some ottos and some shrimp, they're not bothering him at all so im thinking hes jsut settling

Oh i want badly a pair of the cichlids to breed with. But we are moving house in 3mths so im waiting till we move to boost my cichlid tank :) hes gorgeous :wub:

Have you looked on for a girl?

WE have 1.2 Firemouths in the 566ltr tank, but we're looking into getting another adult pair, just need to find some nice ones in the UK :D

We are looking for some female super delta betta's
I thought your betta was in a tank of his own? or just with shrimp and ottos which are usually compatible , weird that he didnt go for bloodworm but sometimes lfs bettas havent experienced it, they arent used to being given treats! Im sure he'll come round
hes in a tank with some cherry shrimp and some otto's hes been at the front of the tank swimming around today and looks beautiful, will get some pics later on.
hes in a tank with some cherry shrimp and some otto's hes been at the front of the tank swimming around today and looks beautiful, will get some pics later on.

Oh great news! I thought thats all you said he was in with and they are perfectly compatible! just be careful when feeding him live food that he doesnt eat your cherry shrimp for afters! doesnt always happen but its happend to me! my SD was quite happy with 3 bumble bee shrimp in his tum !
lol hopefully he will be fine with them. not seen him go near them to be fair, theres plenty of hiding places, its got a nice big piece of bogwood (well not so big, but its big compared to the 30ltr tank) and alot of plants in it, hopefully they will egg up soon and the tank will have a few more in there lol

still on the look out for some female super delta's got some "jar like tanks" to use for the females and then we'll sort out a breeding tank.
lol hopefully he will be fine with them. not seen him go near them to be fair, theres plenty of hiding places, its got a nice big piece of bogwood (well not so big, but its big compared to the 30ltr tank) and alot of plants in it, hopefully they will egg up soon and the tank will have a few more in there lol

still on the look out for some female super delta's got some "jar like tanks" to use for the females and then we'll sort out a breeding tank.

Well I have a spawn on at the moment that should have a few females in and Netty and Bronze have some. But do your research before breeding! I did and im still finding it hard work regardless of all the help and knowledge its harder than you think!
yeh we're not taking it lightly, ive bred plenty of species of fish in the past from discus - gourami's so ive had a fair bit of experience. i think betta's respesent a very different experience.
yeh we're not taking it lightly, ive bred plenty of species of fish in the past from discus - gourami's so ive had a fair bit of experience. i think betta's respesent a very different experience.

Well its very rewarding and there are plenty of people on here happy to help Netty helped me a lot and now thanks to her I can give advice to others! I have about 16 tanks in my room at the moment with Fry 2 buckets of brine shrimp and a pile of dried food oh and of course 4 tanks with adults in!
I thought your betta was in a tank of his own? or just with shrimp and ottos which are usually compatible , weird that he didnt go for bloodworm but sometimes lfs bettas havent experienced it, they arent used to being given treats! Im sure he'll come round

hes in a tank with some cherry shrimp and some otto's hes been at the front of the tank swimming around today and looks beautiful, will get some pics later on.

Oh great news! I thought thats all you said he was in with and they are perfectly compatible! just be careful when feeding him live food that he doesnt eat your cherry shrimp for afters! doesnt always happen but its happend to me! my SD was quite happy with 3 bumble bee shrimp in his tum !

lol hopefully he will be fine with them. not seen him go near them to be fair, theres plenty of hiding places, its got a nice big piece of bogwood (well not so big, but its big compared to the 30ltr tank) and alot of plants in it, hopefully they will egg up soon and the tank will have a few more in there lol

still on the look out for some female super delta's got some "jar like tanks" to use for the females and then we'll sort out a breeding tank.

Well I have a spawn on at the moment that should have a few females in and Netty and Bronze have some. But do your research before breeding! I did and im still finding it hard work regardless of all the help and knowledge its harder than you think!

heres a few pics of the tank, he wont let me take any clear pics of him as he shoots too the back when igo near the tank lol



he didnt have his fins all perfect at that moment, how do people get gd pictures of there betta's?

He is gorgeous and what a beautiful tank he must be in heaven! It depends on the fish to be honest one of mine will flare at the camera and give me great pics the other is so scared of the camera if i even pick it up he pretty much leaps out the water! some are just camera shy
He is gorgeous and what a beautiful tank he must be in heaven! It depends on the fish to be honest one of mine will flare at the camera and give me great pics the other is so scared of the camera if i even pick it up he pretty much leaps out the water! some are just camera shy

lol the tank is due for a water change, theres a few dead leaves off the plants on the floor etc, but i dont want to disturb him so will do a water change tomorow or monday and update some pics, hes getting more confident today, venturing out to the front of the tank and checking out every square cm of the tank! which is good.

i just rang the fish store to put a pure yellow super delta male on hold and he was sold this morning, well gutted about that lol
That's a beautiful arrangement you have, nice to see a good planted tank in the bettas section
What a lovely tank....he must be a very happy boy in there :good: Feel free to ask any questions regarding breeding. There is also info on our website too which you might find helpful. Just click on my siggie and it will take you straight there. :D
Thanks, believe it or not, there is £40 worth of plants there lol!

we're gonna go and have a look tomorow to see what other super delta's they have, we really want a nice half moon tail.

im thinking of buying a 4' tank and putting dividers in it all the way across giving each betta a 8" x 15" x 12" tank on its own, each will be plated and be able to remove the dividers to make a 16" x 15" x 12" breeding tank.

does that sound good? has anybody got a similar set up?

Sounds good for keeping the bettas in but you wouldn't be able to breed in it. When breeding the water level is only 5-6" and the bottom on the spawning tank is bare. Also you'd need holes in the dividers and the fry are soooooo tiny, they would probably fit through and get gobbled up!!!!

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