White Fluff With Black Spots, (pics Inside)


New Member
Jan 8, 2013
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Hi all, i'm new to the forum. i've just noticed that i have some fluff on one of my pieces of wood in my tank, but not on the others. i was unsure if it was eggs or not, i've only noticed it today when i got home from work.

i have recently (3 days ago) bought a green spotted puffer which, had a very rounded belly, in fact it looked like it had a marble inside. that has now gone and this fluff appeared. i'm assuming that its eggs but would like clarification. as i know its incredibly rare for these fish to breed in captivity.

as i have never had egg baring fish before, i'm not too sure what to look for so hopefully somebody else could shed some light on it for me.

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Many Thanks!

I am guessing the wood is fairly new to your tank, this fluff is pretty usual for new wood, or wood that has been left out for a while, its just fungus, which is not harmful to fish, just unsightly, it should dissappear in a few days or so, or you can remove it and clean it off. The black spots look part of the wood to me.
thanks Star for the input, I wouldn't say that the wood is really new,its been in the tank for about 5 weeks ish maybe 6.

It took that long for it to show up on mine also. Then it turned to black fuzz. I just clean it off every water change. My new tiger barbs seem to like snacking on it also. Good luck!

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