Which Substrate Do You Prefer And Why?

Gravel, better looks and more realistic. Sand is too plain. i think sand is better if you have bottom scavengers in your tank though.
Black sand for me!

Oh, and I like Caribsea Tahitian Moon as it's got a really dark black colour.
Toys R Us playsand- nice and cheap so doesn't matter if I hoover it up when doing water changes, and my cichlids can dig in it to their hearts content without fear of injury. I liven it up with small pebbles and the shells for the shell dwellers.

There's no way I'm paying 25 quid for a bag of "special" sand just because it has a picture of a fish on the packaging.
Just changed from gravel to sand my tank looks miles better and my fish love it cheap and cheerful
White sand, just because it shows my dark fish better. If I had black sand, I'd only see one fish properly. LOL.
It seems to be clean most of the time, got a swordie that likes to act as cleaner.
Definitely black sand, I have play sand in a couple of my tanks but the black sand looks so much better. Yes it costs more but it brings out the colours of the fish a lot more than play sand. Play sand made my cichlids look faint.

All in all sand of any type is easily to clean and keep clean and it gives you a wider choice to the fish you can keep. Corys for example :)
Dark gray/ almost black sand :) but not unnaturally black >.>
I prefer sand; easier to clean (keep clean) and better for bottom dwellers :good:
Agree completely. I've had gravel up till about 3 weeks ago and don't regret it at all. I had natural gravel and now have natural sand. It looks much better and the improvement in my fish is unreal. I have 7 corys whose barbels were previously a but like stumps (which is what convinced me to change), 3 weeks later they have long barbels! Brilliant stuff. So smart and easy to clean too. I just use my gravel vacume over the top and it sucks up all the waste without sucking up the sand. Sometimes I put it right into the sand then just put my finger over the hose and it drops it anyway.
Gravel, better looks and more realistic. Sand is too plain. i think sand is better if you have bottom scavengers in your tank though.

It depends on what look you're going for in your tank. Anything in a marine tank, a riverbed tank or a rainforest tank should be sand or soil based for all purposes surrounding authenticity. Also, most plants' roots do better in a sand or a soil substrate. There are a limited number of plants that will take to gravel.

I find sand easier to clean, too.
I don't have a gravel vac (had a tube and failed to use it, repeatedly), but I net stuff out whenever I can find any fish poop on the floor.
I've had gravel long ago, it was all white and with corners, while I didn't have any problem related to any bottom scavenger fish with it despite its sharpness, it was a huge risk of scratching the tank.

Sand seems much safer and allows fish to sit on it or dig through and it's funny seeing them do that.
Much rather have sand then gravel. I find the sand more natural looking and I'm sure my fish like it better. I do have Panda Corys so sand was a must for this tank. Can honestly say any new tanks coming to my possession will have sand. I find it easier to clean as well.

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