Which Of Your Fish Have Had The Best Personality?

Got to be my dominant clown loach (called Bertie - but I think she is a girl!). S/he sleeps upside down and is training all the others to do it too :lol:
5 gallon:

My two bettas (tank is divided) are both full of personality. Chomp, my crown-tail is more "look at how pretty I am, maybe if I look pretty enough you'll give me a pellet".

My mam says my betta does that when I'm not around...she did once feed him again becasue he was looking pretty (she got a good telling off). Well he does it when I am there; I just can't feed him constantly.

My betta has the most personality.
My betta (Mr Jigger) has the best personality and my chocolate cichlid has a great personality.
Biff n Boff the puffers, and my dancing rams and eliotti. But at the end of day all my fishes are my babies :blush:
my green terror was ace would only come out if i was there and darted away if the missus was in the room

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